Chapter 105: Conference Day Arrive! New Rivals Build!

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Hope you enjoy the chapter, Readers!

Kuoh Academy

"Huh" Akeno release a tire sigh when seeing a load of love letters inside her locker 'I used to find this amusing and sweet, but now it's just getting bothersome' she notes in her mind and throws all the letters in her bag. With the locker now looking clean and spacious, Akeno neatly place her textbooks and notebooks inside, then shuts it and lock it away with a private code.

"Wah! When will Nawin-senpai return" a couple of second-years girls walk past the Himejima, complaining about the missing Makasha. Akeno pause and look at her right arm, leaning on the locker. She turns to her wrist to look at the bracelet 'Nawin-kun... I hope you are doing well and getting stronger' she thinks with a smile, and start walking down the hallway. When exiting the building, Akeno spot Akame exiting the entrance gate with Misako and Wendy 'Seems like those three are bonding well' she notes.

"Gah!" a grunt in pain suddenly rings around the air, follow by Matsuda slamming to the ground, on his back, just a few paces from where Akeno is standing. 'Hmm?' she blinks and look toward the right to see Riser stumping his way toward the pervert, with rage in his dark blue eyes while his lips twist into a scowl. "You lowly human dare to flirt with my Little sister?!" he shouts, stopping in front of the terrifying bold boy and grab him by the collar of his shirt, then proceeds to lift him up to the air, his feet no longer touching the ground.

This scene quickly garners lot of attention, with the whole student in the courtyard staring at them. 'Oh, this is amusing' Akeno giggle a bit and stare on at the two, not planning to intervene. "S-sorry" Matsuda blurt out an apology, then lifts his hands up to grab onto the Phenex's wrist and pull in a patty attempt to get away from the other's iron hold. "Sure... I accept your apology" Riser reply, though it didn't ease the pervert, because of a dark smirk plaster on his face.

Yuuto and Xenovia are in front of the crowd, contemplating if they should get involve. "Should we?" Yuuto leans to the blue-haired girl and whisper "Nah... I rather see where this is going" Xenovia reply with a smirk, crossing her arms comfortably and continue looking on.

Riser smirk widen "Just allow me to give you a fair and painful reminder, so you won't be doing that again" he said and retract his right hand back. "Overprotective Brother" Koneko comment, blankly, standing at the right end of the crowd with Ravel and Asia "U-um, shouldn't we do something?" Asia ask in worry for the pervert's health.

Ravel taps her fellow blonde's shoulder "That's what he gets for laying his filthy hands on me without my consent. Teach him a lesson, Big brother!" she shouts in encouragement. Riser winks at his sister and turn to Matsuda, ready to give him a beating, until a hand snatch his wrist "No fighting in school ground, Riser" a familiar calm and collective voice state.

Riser release a disappointing sigh at having his fun ruin. "Hello... Sona" he turns his head to the right and clash with the Sitri's stern violet eyes. Matsuda start finding himself hard to breath by an unknown pressure pushing around him from all sides 'W-what is th-this' he thinks and look at the two King's eyes clashing at one another.

Riser suddenly creak a chuckle and drops Matsuda on his behind "Alright, I'll stop" he raises his hands up in surrender, before placing them back in his pockets. "Oi! You low-life" he shouts at boy on the ground "Y-yes!" Matsuda reply, cowering away when seeing the Phenex's cold blue eyes glaring down at him "Don't go near my sister again if you know what's good for you. Consider yourself lucky today" he said and turn around to make way back to Ravel.

The crowd quickly scatter away and goes back to their business after Sona's stern glare is direct toward them. Sona wasn't finish and turn her gaze down to Matsuda. "Matsuda-san, I would recommend you keep your... perverted nature down and stay away from Ravel-san" Sona flick her glasses up and turn around to head back into the building "Take my advice to heart if you don't want to end up in that situation again. Riser-san isn't someone you should mess with".

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