Arc 6: Bonds Tested, Ghost From The Past Return!

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Hello everyone! I hope all of you are doing well. I want to thank you all for your kind comments on the last chapter!

After taking a break, I am now fully recharged to continue with this story! This arc will be a special and gripping one, that I promise you all.

I hope everyone will be on-board for this new arc.

Enjoy the latest chapter!

Bright light from the sun shines through the shutter blinds, casting an orange hue in the medium-size yellow bedroom. A soft melodic snore can be heard from the bed, a figure sleeps under a black blanket with yellow stars design. A door to the room opens ever slightly, a quiet giggle of mischievous comes from the hallway. Slowly, a shadowy figure step in the dark side of the room that is untouched by the light.

The figure stealthy and gracefully makes their way to the bed until they stop right beside it. "Kukukuku," they chuckle deviously and bring their arms up, their fingers wiggles around in a creepy manner then thrust their hands toward the sleeping individual's shoulder. ".... WAKE UP, MOMO!" "KYAAAAAA!" Momo's eyes snap open and she let out a high-pitched scream, throwing the blankets away when flailing her arms all over the place.

"Hahahahahaha!" the stealthy figure drops to the ground where the light is chaining to show the grinning blue-haired girl, Senna "Ahahaha, your expression was priceless!" she points out, clutching her stomach in pain. Momo, finally seeing it was her little sister, slowly turns to the giggling girl on the ground and gives the blankest of stares, her eyebrows twitching in annoyance. "Do you know what day it is?" she asks, her lip twist into a scowl and watch the girl on the ground sits up, grinning widely "Monday! Come on, we finally gonna attend Kuoh Academy!" "... Senna... It's Sunday" Momo utters, pointing at the clock that displayed the time and date.

Senna blinks and turn to the clock on the stand beside the bed and indeed sees it's Sunday "Oh..." the girl just blinks and scratch the back of her head before a sheepish grin form on her face. She slowly turns back to her older sister and quickly pales. Momo's upper face is shadowed, a menacing scowl form on her lip "Sunday... Six AM... Rudely waking me up... You got anything to say for yourself, my sweet devious little sister?" she asks in deep, dark tone that sends chills down the poor young girl's spine.

Senna claps her hands together and puts on an adorable grin "Y-you love me?" she asks which just serve to annoy Momo even more, her eyebrow start twitching violently. A sudden sound of a loud thud echoes around the household follow by a loud yip.

Time Skip

"Hmm..." a man in his late twenties with wild medium-length dark blue hair, brown eyes, and pale complexion is sited in the dining table. He blinks when seeing his two daughters walking down the stairs. Momo, dress in a dark green long-sleeve shirt and ankle-length blue trouser. The look of annoyance is shown on her face. Senna, dress in a black flounce-sleeve blouse and gray long jean. Her expression shows pain and is gripping the top of her head with her right hand.

"What happened and why are you two up so early?" the father asks, watching the two girls take a sit in front of him. "Senna mistaken today for Monday and rudely woke me up" Momo reply, shaking her head and turn to the sulking girl next to her "Sorry," Senna whispers. "Ah," the father chuckle "Seems like you are excited for tomorrow aye, Senna" he asks, and the sulkiness quickly disappear and replace by excitement when a big grin form on the blue-haired girl's face "Yeah! I can't wait" she exclaims.

A beautiful woman in her late twenties walks into the room. She has long black hair that flows down smoothly to the hip, sharp blue eyes, tan complexion, and holds an hourglass figure. A bright smile form on her lip when seeing the two girls on the table. "Morning, Momo, Senna" she greets, walking past the table and head to the fridge to start getting ingredients to cook breakfast. "Morning, Mom" both girls greet back. "Need any help?" Momo offers "No, it's fine" the mother carries out a pack of beacon, four eggs, and bag of bread from the fridge, setting it at the counter.

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