Chapter 84: Sleeping God

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"What is going on?!" a voice boom, outside the small Japanese style house, where Sairex and Tairex are currently rested "What's with all the noise kid?" the black dragon speaks out, rubbing his ear. Nawin enters the room clearly not in a good mood "Ever since the last battle I had with Raynare, my power has been dwindled, I can't even take a full blast to the face!" the Makasha turn to the white dragon, seeing he looking calmly at his direction "Tell me Sairex! What's happening to me!?!".

Sairex take a sip from his tea and release a sigh "You should be asking the dragon god, not me" he answers, making the Makasha clenches his hands and glance down at the mark on his neck "Ever since that encountered you had with her, something has changed" Tairex comment lazily, lying on the floor.

Nawin rub his nose and take a deep breath, before looking at Sairex in his now usual stoic expression "You're saying you don't know what's happening at all?" "Sadly no, that mark has been causing some disturbance in your magic, though it could also be that restriction seal that Sirzech has placed around it".

"So, weak that your girlfriend had to save your ass" Tairex comment pointing at the large screen hovering in front, "Uh!" Nawin eyes widen seeing Akeno speeding toward the Nightwalker and inflicted dozens of blinding lighting strike by just passing by it. Nawin stare in astonish, when seeing how the Himejima completely dominated the nightwalker in less than a minute after releasing the Lance of Zeus, "That girl has already surpassed you" Tairex state with a dark grin.

Sairex glance at the screen "Indeed, it's not surprising she's gotten this strong after training, with a powerful and experience fallen angel like Azazel, though I'd say if she'd train with her father then she may become even stronger" he states, "Oh" Tairex murmur in amusement seeing the Makasha clenching his hands after finish looking the battle.

"Are you jealous of your lover kid?" the dark dragon asks, chuckling deeply causing Nawin glare to at him before looking down at his shaking hands. Sairex stare at the young Makasha with worry clouding his golden eyes 'Nawin...', "Oh how weak you have fallen kid, after all the stuff I've taught you, such a disappointment you turn out to be" Tairex utters making his brother send a glare "Tairex" he mutters in warning but it falls on deaf ears as the black dragon continues.

"I'm embarrassed that our first owner is you, chu! I bet the Hyoudou would be a better owner than you since he seems to be improving a lot lately" Tairex said while the Makasha just stood still with bangs covering his eyes. "What? Not gonna say anything, Ha! Expected as muc-" Tairex is cut off, when he is grab by the face and is thrown through the house.

"Guh!" Tairex groan crashing into a large boulder, he gets up to see Sairex standing in front of him; giving him a stern look "I'll say it once more be silent brother" he commands making the other growl before turning to the side giving a tsk noise "Whatever".

Sairex turns to see the Makasha has already left "Huh... I hope things will turn out alright" he mutters, which his brother caught "I rather it be the other way" Tairex interject causing the white haired to turn toward him, clearly showing full annoyance "I wonder at times why I don't just kill you, it will probably do good for the future and Nawin-kun sake" "You've already tried, remember".


"Nawin-kun!" Akeno smile seeing the black haired slowly getting up "Glad to see you back up, breakfast is already over so I brought some of the food back here" she said, thought it seems that her words fall in deaf ears as the Makasha just stare down at the blanket with blanks expression.

The Himejima tries to smile and lifts a bowl of pork porridge on her lap "I got this from the club lounge, since you must be a bit hungry" she brings a spoon up, "Posh!" "Huh?!" Akeno's eyes widen when Nawin slaps her hand away causing the spoon to fly back landing on the now messy marble floor.

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