Chapter 21: Familiar Forest and Slimes?

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"So, this place is called the Familiar forest, huh" Nawin looks around his surrounding, to see forest of dead trees and withered plants, up at the crimson sky, shines a red moon that is glaring down at us and spread its dim light around the dark forest.

Not liking the eerie look of the forest and the presence it gives, Asia hides behind her brother, "Don't need to be scared, Asia-chan, if we stick together nothing will happen" Rias reassures the little girl with a smile, which seems to calm her nerve and nod.

A sudden laughter erupts from up top "Ahahah, is nice to see you again Gremory" the group looks up to see a man who looks to be in his late forties, he has long wavy brown hair, silver eyes, on top of his head he wears a straw hat and his attire consist of a hunter's type uniform with some tears and hole on it, long black jacket is worn over the uniform.

"It's been a while, Familiar master" Rias greet, the man jump down and lands in front of the group. "So, let me get this straight, we are trying to find a familiar in a place call familiar forest and our tour guide is called the Familiar master" Nawin points out, causing the other to sweat drop "The teme does have a point" Issei agrees.

"You brats have a problem with it" The Familiar master said in an annoy tone, "Now, now, there's no time to fight, we need to start looking for Familiars before the moon disappears" Rias interjects making the older man nod. "What do you mean by that, Buchou?" Issei ask "When the Moon disappears, the familiars will go back to their home, making the search for them harder, they usual come out when the moon is full and the full moon only comes out once a month" Rias explain.

The Familiar master began leading the group through the forest "So, tell me what kind of Familiar are you three looking for exactly?" The hunter asks Nawin, Issei, and Asia, after Rias explained to him why they are here. "Well I want my familiar to be cute, strong, and loyal" Asia said making the hunter chuckle at the innocent answer, while Nawin smile ruffling his little sister blonde lock "I'm sure we can find one of that here" the hunter reply.

"I want my Familiar to be sexy and have enormous Oppai" Issei answers with a perverted smile, the group facepalm while the hunter glare him "I will not help you find such thing" "And Issei, if you want to find something like that... go to a strip club" Nawin suggest making the group erupt in laughter while Issei begin to flutters, then curses the smartass Makasha under his breath.

The group continues following the familiar master, but pause erutly when they see some wolves, running past them, in front. "What was that about?" Yuuto ask "They seemed scared.... Probably something spooked them" The hunter reply, "Well let's go check it out" Nawin said. After a minute of walking, the group is greeted by a big field clear of grass, at the end of the field is a enormous, dark cave.

"This is not good" The hunter said with fear in his tone, suddenly a green serpent like head appears out of the dark cave. "Is that some kind of Snake?" Issei ask "No... it's something much worse". More serpent's heads start coming from the cave "N-no d-don't tell me" Rias look at the serpent's heads with shock and fear "I-is that a Hydra?" "Yes" the hunter reply slowly "How the hell did we end up in its territory, you should have warned us" Rias hiss, glaring at the familiar master.

"This is not the time to be arguing" the hunter reply calmly, suddenly the group feel the ground rumble, they hear giant footsteps walking toward them. The Hydra fully emerge out of the cave, showing the groups its dragon like body and its serpents nine head heads has sharp yellow fins surfacing from the top and bottom of its head, dozens of sharp razor teeth, it's dark green scale glows slightly. "That's not good it's going to prepare to spit its venomous poison" The hunter warns.

The Hydra glares at the group with its slit red snake-like eyes "W-what s-should we do" Issei stutters, shaking in fear, "If its poison hits us, we're done" Rias said and turn to her Queen "Akeno, prepare the teleportation now" "Don't bother" The hunter interrupts "Your teleportation takes time to prepare and it will startle the hydra, making it fire it's poison at us" Rias bite her lips in frustration as she try thinking of other solutions "Why is it not attacking us now?" Yuuto ask "Because it doesn't know if we're a threat yet"

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