Chapter 115: Khaos Brigade Invades! War In Vesarima!

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I want to thank you all for your nice comments lately! It really motivates me to continue this book when reading them, and it's heartwarming to see everyone support! ^.^

Hope everyone enjoy the latest chapter!

Three large battalions of heavily armored soldiers' marches toward the South Gate of Vesarima. Numbers of fully grown Giants are in among the battalions, being controlled and brainwashed by magic. The generals ride in front of the battalions with a large brown horse, leading his men to the capital with confident strides.

"Hehehe, I've been waiting for this day" a man among the army speaks to his companion "Tell me about it! I can't wait to kill all those scummy devils living in the capital... They think so highly of themselves that it makes me sick" "I don't care about you guys' revenge... I'm just here for bloodshed!" a comment thrown in by a man grinning in bloodlust, getting lots of intimidating look from others "Everyone in the army are doing this for their own goals" a wise voice comments "Whatever the goals are! Let's just make sure we are victories!" another shouts and cheers that quickly gets the others to join in.

When the large gates are at view, the General halt his horse which led to the army to stop as well. Hundreds of men look forward and see one person standing in front of the close gate. "General, who is that?" one of the Lieutenant question, riding alongside their leader. "That..." the man pulls his helmet up to reveals his face. The General is a man with brown eyes and a thick black beard, an old and veteran man who's been through countless of battle. He looks closely and see the face of the individual "That is the Kaliyah" he utters, and the men among the army gasps in shock and terror at the news, some immediately start sweating and losing their confidents when hearing the Archdevil's famous nickname.

"What... What should we do, General?" one of the men asks, with hesitation "What do you think? We march on! Turning back know would bring great disgrace to us all! Where's your pride, men!" the General shouts with confidents and courageous that quickly garnered many to in steel their own confidents "Yeah! We got her outnumbered! We can take her on!" one of them yell and others cheers along in agreement.

The General slowly unsheathe his longsword and points it at the Archdevil "On my word, men!" he shouts, and the army gets ready, taking deep breaths, gripping tightly at their weapons and shield. "... Charge! Today Vesarima shall fall!" the General shouts out in booming volume, and with a loud roar, the hundreds of men break in a sprint toward the single individual that is blocking them from the Capital.

Hunter slowly untie her cloak and throws it to the ground. Cocking her neck to the left and right to make a loud popping noise from the joints. "Fighting an army... It's been a while" she whispers monotonously, bringing her left hand to her right shoulder and rubs it "Might as well use this as a warmup before going in the Capital and clear things up in there".

Feeling her body ready, Hunter bring her right hand back to the handle of her sword and click it out from its metal hostel. Hunter grip the handle and wait for the hundreds of soldiers to come closer to the swinging range. Six large and heavily armored men are at the front of the army, all wielding large weapons like hammers, axes, and halberds.

When in range, Hunter bring her massive sword from the right and cleave through the six men like they are butter. Their dismembered upper body falls up and their intestines flies around the air before splattering on the ground while their lower body collapse to the puddle of blood. The whole army halt and gasp in horror at the bloody display, all of them turns and stare at the humongous sword wield by the Archdevil.

"S-she just cut through six heavily armored men like they were nothing!" "T-that s-sword... It's massive!" "Is that even a sword?!" the confidents that the army once hold shatters the moment they saw the terrifying and intimidating blade that Hunter is wielding, and how it was able to easily slaughter their comrades.

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