Chapter 65: Nephilim Power

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"So she's finally unlock her true heritage" Sirzech sighs looking at his childhood friend Serafall who nods, the two are meeting in Sirzech's own Mansion "This news is troubling... where is she right now?" "Well I've ask Lucy but she doesn't know, saying that Akeno disappear after she'd woken up".

"Have you contact Azazel?" Serafall ask making the Sirzech shake his head "I couldn't reach him, which give me a good idea where he is right now..." "Oh mind sharing" "Well if my guess is right Azazel is currently training Akeno to use her Nephilim power, if that is a fact then she's in a safe hand for now and we won't have to worry about the council for a while" Serafall cross her arms and legs looking at her friend unsure.

"Sirzech I don't know your relationship with Azazel exactly but why do you place so much trust in him... I know that the peace treaty have kept things peaceful but still fallen angel are always like snake they won't have a second thought of stabbing you in the back" Sirzech chuckle leaning on his hand "I know how you feel about this Serafall but what's the point of the peace treaty if the leaders of the factions don't get along, Azazel is a person who have a distaste in the subject war and violence, even though it doesn't look like it he wants to keep the peace between each of the faction strong just like us".

"Also with his godchildren being devils, I say it give him the more reason to keep the peace between the three faction stable, I myself found it surprise to see how much Azazel care for the Makasha's family" Sirzech said catching the Leviathan attention "You mean the black wolf, his surrogate daughter?" "Yes but also Nawin-kun and Lucy, he and Yao-san kept them away from the supernatural world so they could have a normal childhood, it seems to turn out well though I doubt they expect them to turn into a devil... there's still a lot of secrets surrounding the Makasha family...."

Nakashi Town: Nawin's Mindscape

"You want to know about Alucard?" Sairex and his brother looks at the Makasha who sits across the table slightly surprise "May I ask what brought this up?" the white haired ask making Nawin sigh "Sayomi... she's been bothering me for a while now and I have a feeling she is somehow connected to Alucard, I want to know his story, from what I heard he's known to be the most powerful being to ever step foot on earth and is every first being to exist".

Tairex cross his arms "Well that fact isn't entirely the truth, the very first being to exist is the infinite dragon, Ophis is the name she or he like to go by these days" "He or she?" Nawin ask "Well Ophis have the ability to transform into anything she want's, an old man, young teenage girl, any type of animals" "I see well continue" "As I was saying Ophis is the very first being to be born, she was born in place called the dimensional gap... it's a world hidden between the human world and the underworld, only us dragon's knowns how to enter it" Tairex explain before Sairex take a turn.

"What people don't know is that Alucard is actually the very first being to have step foot on earth while Ophis was born first in the Dimensional gap and lived there for centuries seeing no point of leaving her home. While Ophis continue to live in peace in the dimensional gap, Alucard begins creating his own civilization, vampires start to rule the world and that's when other monsters came out of hiding and some new monsters are born, over centuries, the nine tailed fox clan, the Nekomata's, the werewolf's... all the other monsters lived in peace together with Alucard being their leader, the father of all monsters and the very first being to be born on earth".

Tairex take a sip of his tea cup and takes over "But of course like any other story's things can't stay peaceful forever, after centuries of hard work and establishing peace to all the monster clans, Alucard decided to went into slumber leaving all the leadership to his people and trusted friends. After centuries of sleeping Alucard woken up and is met with a horrifying sight of his people... his home everything that he builds destroyed by the human, a species that have grown drastically while he was in slumber, Alucard also knows that the other monsters betrayed his people as they went into hiding leaving the vampires to fend for themselves"

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