Chapter 111: The Enigma Michael! Clash! Nawin vs Lock!

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I hope everyone had a nice holiday! 

Let's hope 2018 will be a great year for us all!

Enjoy the latest chapter, Readers! ^.^

Sayomi slowly opens her eyes, her lip twist into a frown when she felt a familiar mana signature appears inside her palace. The door to the throne room slams open to reveal Kaizen, emerging from the shadows. His blood red and slit pupils' eyes glows brightly while a bloodlust and cocky smirk is plastered on his lip.

"Ooh... Look at you!" Kaizen exclaims in grandiose and taunting manner, walking toward Sayomi and taking in the sight of her sitting on a beautiful and grand golden throne with red interior "Just how much you have grown. Holding yourself in such a high esteem and power there... Little sister" he comments in mocking tone, stopping just a few paces away from her.

Eifion enters the room just in time before the large doors shuts itself. He make himself comfortably by standing behind the now close door, silently observing the scene between two siblings.

Sayomi looks down at her brother, unamused by his muckiness talk. She knows it irks him that she has gain power that surpasses him. He was one the stronger one, but now it's her and it hurts his pride. Kaizen is a very prideful man and sees himself as god. Knowing someone out there is more powerful than him, much less his very own younger relative being the one, it will always infuriate him.

"What has brought you here, Kaizen" Sayomi question after releasing a sigh, already showing her displeasure of his abrupt visit. "I'm here for the progress of our plan... You gave me the detail about it, but you mentioned to me about its progress" Kaizen state, crossing his arms "Do we have to wait long?!" "Always the short-temper one, Brother. The progress is fine and steady. But, as I told you we can't make a huge leap forward currently".

Kaizen grunt "Are we seriously going to wait that long?!" he suddenly shouts "We need to avoid unnecessary attention! Look at what happened to Alucard!" Sayomi retort back, raising her voice as well and sharping it to send it straight through Kaizen's thick skull.

Kaizen push both his hands to the jean's pockets and release another grunt in annoyance, knowing what his sister says is fact. "This world is dull. If this keeps up, I'll have to go entertain myself... I've grown intrigued in these Sacred Gears users" Kaizen state, a smirk slowly forms on his lip "Those two boys in Shigemi gave me a great time... I might just go hunt them down and finish it" he said, thoughtfully.

Sayomi frown deeply, her slit pupils sharpen in displease. "I've told you that Nawin Makasha is not to be in contact. I will personally deal with him when the times come. I'm getting tired of reminding you of this... Brother." Kaizen cocky smile turn to a scowl, holding annoyance "Wouldn't it do good to our cause if we brought him here right now... What the hell are you waiting for!" he shouts, pink aura starts emitting around his body to show his irritation "Do you have some sort of fascination with the boy?!" he questions.

The moment Kaizen's outburst ends. Sayomi teleports in front of him and send a backhand to the side of his face, sending him barreling across to the side of the room. Sayomi's glowing eyes snap toward the kneeling pureblood, her eyes hold immense annoyance and anger in them.

"I don't need to explain myself to you, Brother" Sayomi state, standing straight and turn around to head back to her throne. Kaizen growl and launch toward Sayomi with his right hands forward, intending to impale her with the sharp claws that all vampires inherit.

Sayomi sigh and turn around to slap her brother's arm away and grab him by the throat. Kaizen suddenly smile and looks down at his sister, his lip twist into a taunting smirk. "You've change a lot" "What do you expect? I've grown older... I'm no longer that girl who needed your pathetic help" Sayomi retorts, sharply.

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