Chapter 128: Past Haunts, A Bloody Night!

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Sorry to keep all of you waiting for this chapter!

Hope everyone enjoys it! ^.^

"Aaaah!" Misako chomps down on a large slice of pepperoni pizza. Sited beside her is Wendy, who is nibbling on some spaghetti meatball in a plastic box. Rias, Koneko, Senna, Yuuto, Xenovia, Momo, Akame, and the rest are present, sited at the Hyoudou's house living room. All sited in a circle with two extra large size pizzas placed in the center along with three large bottles of coke, sprite, and pepsi.

"Geez, calm down there Hana, or you'll throw up!" Xenovia exclaims, watching the Hydra holding two slices of pizza in each hand, chomping down at them in each turn "Pizza gowd!" she replies with a mouthful, earning giggles from the others. "Koneko-chan," Misako calls out "Hmm?" "Where's Asia-chan? I believed you texted her. With her love for pizza, I thought she'd be here by now" "I don't know... Let me check."

Koneko pulls out her phone and opens the messenger app. The last message that sent was off was a picture that Gasper took of her. Instead of sending it to Asia, who rarely uses a phone now after becoming blind, so she sends the message to Lucy who can describe it to her. The picture shows Koneko taking a bite of the anchovy pizza while staring monotonously at the camera, giving a peace sign with the free hand. There is a bright red caption underneath the picture that reads 'Eating Pizzaa ;).' Koneko sees that the message has not been read yet "They might still be in the theater" she states, closing her phone and place it down "Lucy hasn't seen the message yet" "Ah, I see."

"This pizza is such an interesting cuisine!" Elise exclaims brightly, munching on the food with a smile plastered on her face "There's no pizza in Shigemi?" Yuuto question "No, these pizzas are unheard of. Also, pizza... Such a weird name" she replies, eyeing the food for a few seconds before resume chomping down for another bite.

"Ever had a meal called burgers?" Xenovia questions and receive a puzzled look from the Princess "Buurgeers?" "Goodness girl! You're missing out" Senna exclaims in flabbergast "Is burger good?" "It's quite good" Kokoro joins in, taking a sip of coke in a glass cup, "We can order that next time" "Thank you! I am greatly curious about this burger!" Elise reply, beamingly. "Where exactly is Shigemi?" Momo ask, tilting her head at the name "I've never heard of such a place" "It's a very old-style place that's cut away from society" Kokoro answers first before Elise have the chance, knowing the Princess is horrible when it comes to lying "Ah I see, so it's one of those places. Makes sense why she never had a chance to try foods such as pizzas and burgers."

Rias scan at the right side of the room, looking at all the bags place in front of the television, the bags that contained everyone's gift to Akeno for next week. "U-um, Rias," Wendy calls out, making the Princess turn to her "Yes?" "Where do we have this b-birthday surprise?" "Ah, yes" Rias smile "We are of course celebrating it in the Makasha's household" "We'll need to get her out of the house for a while then" Akame insert "We won't need to worry about that. That'll be Nawin-kun's job. He'll take her out on a date then return her to the house and that's when we can surprise her."

"Wow," Xenovia comment, impressed "You planned this through" "Of course!" Rias response with a proud smile "It's a special day for my friend, so I'll make it as good as possible with the power I have" "You're such a nice friend, Rias" Senna praise with a bright smile "Ahaha, thanks" the Gremory reply, blushing a bit.

Resume eating her pizza, Rias halt when spotting a cup of chocolate lava cake. She leans forward to take the cup then turns to Gasper, who is sited between Koneko and Yuuto, quietly nibbling on his third pizza that will surely be his last since she knows Gasper never really has a big appetite compare to the rest and certainly the Makasha's. "Here, Gasper" Rias smile, offering the cake to the boy, who blinks and turn to see it "A-ah, thank you, Buchou" he replies with a cute smile and takes the cake with more excitement then he would admit, undoubtedly happy by the gesture. Rias giggles a bit when seeing the smile on the boy's face grow wider. She knows he loves sweets and dessert just as much as Koneko and Asia 'No wonder those three become such close friends, practically inseparable at times. They have many of the same interests.'

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