Chapter 85: Declaration of War

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Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday! ^^

This chapter was honestly a hard one to write since it went through a lot of changes, but hopefully you'll all like it!

Wish you all a happy new year and hope 2017 will be a good year for us all!

Loud footsteps can be heard walking through a dark hallway, that is lit with only small candles, since dozens of red curtains are placed in front of the windows to cover any sunlight from entering. Raynare stop in front of a large door while holding a file, "Huh" she releases a tire sighs and glance down at the file before her gaze move back up at the door then proceeds to knocks it.

It took a minute before a voice answers, "Come in and dispose of him... Raynare" Sayomi voice orders through the door, the black haired enters to see a scared messenger crawling on the ground, he turn to her, holding a frantic expression. "As you wish, Lady Sayomi" Raynare walk toward the scared man and to his surprise, she walks past him "Wipe that relief expression off your face" she state and turn around, holding her left hand up with a small red orb form on the top of her index finger, "Doom blast".

"Ahhhh" the ex-messenger scream seeing the red beam speeding toward him, Sayomi smirk seeing the attack completely vaporize the man, "You are getting better with the technique I see" she states, turning to the black haired. Raynare retract her hands and nod "Took a while, but I finally am able to control it properly" she reply "Glad to hear... if you weren't able to control a simple doom blast, then I would have to kill you and find another servant" Sayomi state with a dark smirk.

Raynare stop in front of the skull made throne where her master is sited, "If I couldn't learn such a technique, then I do deserve to be killed" she replies in a monotone voice making the pureblood smirk, "So tell me, why are you here... judging by what you are holding, it has something to do with what's in there" she states, glancing at the file hold in the black haired right hand.

"Our spies have picked some interesting information up... involving Nawin Makasha", the moment Raynare says that name, Sayomi eyes peak in interest and lift her right hand up, telling the black haired to hand it over, which she did. "Is he in danger?" Sayomi questions, opening the file "Possible..." Raynare answers and wait for the silver haired to go through the papers and pictures.

Sayomi stop at one page and slowly glance at Raynare before turning back to the paper, "Shigemi... Why would he be there?" she ask "A mission given by the Queen there to hunt down a beast called Nightwalker... Nawin and the Gremory along with two others of their friends are tasked to deal with it" Raynare inform.

"Huh... how pathetic of them, I would have thought the captains would be equipped enough to handle a simple monster, after all if I'm correct they should roughly be around Satan level", Sayomi leans on her right hand and think for a minute then her eyes snap open in realization, "I see now... so they are relaying on Nawin's tracking skills, aren't they?" she said, turning to Raynare who nod "I still don't see why you brought this to me Raynare... Nawin is more than capable enough to handle a beast and the Gremory is no slouch either" she reply sharply, throwing the files and turn back to the former fallen angle.

Raynare look at the paper gently falling down before turning her gaze back to her master, "You said if anything is to happen to Nawin Makasha, I would need to inform directly to you, yes?" she questions, "Yes... are you saying Nawin's life is in danger?" Sayomi questions, leaning forward and rest her head on her hands. Raynare slowly nods her head "I've personally went to Shigemi to investigate this nightwalker and I found something rather interesting there" she said catching Sayomi's attention "Speak".

"I sensed powerful aura beneath Shigemi... It's gathered into one specific place and will soon explode... like someone or something is about to be awaken" Raynare state causing Sayomi eyes to widen at the last part, "L-lady Sayomi?" the black haired mutters in surprise, when seeing her master abruptly stand up and make way to the door, "We're leaving Raynare" she state, making her nod "Understood".

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