Chapter 143: Titans Clash! Personal Conflicts!

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Enjoy the latest chapter, everyone! ^.^

"Archers fire!" Stan screams out in command, and the men and women line up to shoot a hail of arrows to the incoming Gargoyles coming from the skies. Gasper spot some of the stone beast opening their mouth, intending to breathe out its deathly flames to counterattack. 'No!' his eyes flashes and the creatures momentarily freeze.

The hail of arrows quickly does quick work. Destroying an army of Gargoyles, shattering them into harmless pebbles. The Carmillas cheers before marching forward to deal with the rest of the Tepes. Stan smile in victorious then glances back at the Vladi "Great job, Gasper... You truly are a great help" he says in a sincere tone that surprise the Dhampir. "G-glad to help," Gasper replies with a bright smile.

"Stan, Gasper!" Rias shout from the right to warn, but it was too late when Cadell comes shooting from above with his razor-sharp rapier brought down that cleave through Stan's left hand that's holding the rein and the horse's head. "Gaahhh!" "Ahh!" Stan screams in pain while Gasper gasp as they come falling when the headless horse's corpse crumbles to the ground.

Cadell didn't waste time and brought the sword up, his eyes glowing in menace and staring down at Gasper. The rapier's pointy blade shoots down to the kneeling Dhampir's head. Cadell is suddenly sent away by Rias delivering a brutal punch to the side of his face, blasting him away when the sword was just inches away from killing the Vladi.

Rias glares fiercely at the Captain, watching him gracefully lands on his feet. Cadell doesn't express pain at all from the attack. Instead, he just wipes the small blood seeping from his lip and return to a stance. Rapier pointing at the Gremary.

"W-wait," Stan utters, gripping his left arm "You can't defeat him alone, Rias Gremory." "Won't know until I try, Captain" Rias replies without hesitant "Also, that man just tried to kill one of my friends... I'm not going to let that slide away so easily." Stan gets to his feet and releases his left arm. Then, uses the right arm to grab his broadsword to unsheathe it. Stopping beside the Gremory, he brings the sword forward "If that's the case then I'll fight with you," "Are you sure?" Rias asks, glancing at the Captain's missing left hand "Heh," Stan smirk "A missing hand is not enough to stop me."

Gasper slowly gets to his feet and walk toward the two. He comes to a stop beside Rias's other side. "Uh?" The Gremory is surprised by her Bishop "Gasper?" "I'll fight with you, Buchou, Captain Stan" he replies with confidence. Rias smile in pride and nods before returning sight to their adversary in front "Very well."

Cadell glances to the right to see his ruler ready to battle the Makasha. 'I'll ensure this victory will be yours, Lord Marius.' Cadell's eyes sharpen and slash the rapier at the air a few times in speeds that no regular warrior can hope to see. 'No one in this battlefield can match me in swords.'

"Gahh!" a large man comes down to a group of Carmilla, but a dark figure intersects from the right. Blazing past him like the wind, then the man's head suddenly pops out from the torso and goes flying away while the body immediately drops down. Crashing in front of the Carmilla's warriors. All are wide-eyed and looks to the side to see Akame landing on the ground, her blade holds firmly on the right hand. Red lightning cracks occasionally around the black blade.

Akame's eyes have become stoic like an assassin. No mercy or hesitant are shown in them. And with the blood painted on her clothes and some on her cheeks. It makes the Knight of Nawin Makasha look like a true and fearful knight that has some warrior on the battlefield scared.

Akame's eyes snap forward to see a battalion of Tepes emerging behind the boulders, rushing toward in their direction. The Carmillas were ready to rush forward, but all of them come to a stop in shock when watching Akame breaks into a sprint, rushing toward the battalion by herself. It was like she is running on instinct.

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