Chapter 53: Who Matters Most

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The four of us crash into Finley's room together

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

The four of us crash into Finley's room together. He was hooked up to all different kinds of medical machinery. The door slams into the wall and Fin tiredly opens his eyes.

He looked so weak and frail that it shocked me to the core.


Ashley yells at the top of his lungs and tries to lunge at Finley but Jonathan holds him back.

"No! Let me go! This is all your fault, to begin with!" He yells at Jonathan.

Fin closes his eyes again.

"Please tell me...this is just a dream and you're...not really here right now."

He says weakly, taking in breaths of oxygen between his words.

"I'm sorry,"

Mari whispers and Finley narrows his eyes at Mari.

The tension in the room was almost unbearable.

Ashley is able to wiggle out of Jonathan's tight grip and grabs his son by the collar of his hospital gown,

"Goddamnit Finley, You're my only son! You can't keep pulling this shit! Otherwise, we're going to lose you!"

Ashley yells and Finley gulps, the two intently gaze into each other's eyes in a fiery anger. Tears start to water in their eyes. Ashley lets go of him and Fin slams back into the pillow.

"You're my only child,"

Ashley says again.

And a dead silence settles in the room.

Mari goes to say something but I give him a look. This wasn't our fight and we probably shouldn't be here right now but it was too late to just turn around and leave.

Jonathan breaks the silence first,

"Ashley he's an adult."

He says and Ash turns so fast it scares the shit out of all of us. I thought he was going to beat up Jonathan.

"Frankly, I don't give a damn. He still my baby boy that you're..."

He realizes Mari and I standing in the corner hiding from his wrath and takes a deep breath, combing his fingers through his light brown hair.

"We're going to have to cuff you again," Ashley says.

"No." Fin says back.

"Fin. You're going to die if you don't."

Jonathan steps in with a small wooden box and hands it to Finley.

He opens the box and quickly closes it again, weakly tossing it to the bottom of the bed and closing his eyes.

"Get out."

Fin says in the strongest voice he could muster.

"What? No, I'm your father." Ashley says back.

Get out!"

He screams this time and Jonathan grabs Ashley.

"Come on, you both need some time to calm down." He says to him and they leave without much more of a fight.

Finley rubs the bridge of his nose and beckons us closer.

When we approach he sits up and punches Mari in the gut. Mari doubles over and crashes to the floor in pain.

"Hey! What the fuck was that! We were only trying to help!" I scream at him in my poor Mari's defense.

"YOU DON'T CALL MY PARENTS AGAIN UNLESS I'M DEAD. DO YOU HEAR ME MARIUS!" Finley screams and Mari hides in my chest, crying softly. He sits back onto the bed.

"Where's Lei?"

he asks softly. And I help Mari stand back up.

"You're friend is in the waiting room. I'm surprised you even have a friend other than us considering how much a pain in the ass you are." I reply.

"He's not my friend. He's my boyfriend." Finley says and Mari turns around.

"What?! You don't deserve a boyfriend considering how much of a jackass you are! I was only trying to help you! But it's clear to me now that it's not worth trying with you anymore. I refuse to tolerate your abuse any longer!" Mari swears for the very first time and storms out of the room.

"Mari!" I run after him.

Once we're out of the hospital room he turns around and falls into my arms crying hot tears of anger.

I hold him close and try to calm him back down.

"I didn't mean it Hamie, I really didn't" he cries out of guilt.

"No, It's okay baby. He deserved it,"

*When Mari Swears for the first time

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