Chapter 46: Lovers Promise

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"Back at home if two lovers are dating for 100 days they get a matching set of rings," 

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"Back at home if two lovers are dating for 100 days they get a matching set of rings," 

Mari says as he looks into the window of the Tiffany and Co shop in Selfridge.

 He scoffs a little and I give I'm a weird look. He looks at me then looks down at the ground. Debating whether or not to tell me what he was thinking.

"Logan never wanted to do it because he was too embarrassed to put our relationship out there. But I hope that one day I can do it with you," He says quietly and it hurts my heart.

 Logan was currently sitting in prison where he belongs, but I still reach out and hold Mari a little closer at just the thought of that monster touching my innocent sweetheart.

 "I feel like after all the shit we've been through this past month and a half that's it's been more than 100 days," I tell him and he gives me a shady little smile, and I do too.

 "I feel like after all the shit we've been through this past month and a half that's it's been more than 100 days," I tell him and he gives me a shady little smile, and I do too

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I hold the small box in my hand and he holds mine as he curls up to me on a small hidden bench in the middle of Queen Mary's Rose Garden. 

We watch the sun turn the sky a bright pink and Mari rest his head on my lap while looking up, 

"I'm horrible when it comes to saying meaningful things on the spot like this," I warn him and he raises an eyebrow.

 "No you're not, you do it all the time, do you want me to go first?" he asks but I decide to take it. 

"I just don't want to be too sappy," I tell him and he rolls his eyes. I adjust my glasses and take in a deep breath. 

"Mari, in this small moment of time your just peacefully laying on my lap and yet your the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I may not have experience when it comes to things like this, and sure I'm really winging it here but I just want you to feel happy, loved, and protected. If you're not either of those things, I have failed and only then can you take off this ring." 

I speak the words on my heart and take the ring. We had matching solid gold rings but he just had to have diamonds on his because he's a fancy. 

I finally meet his eyes to see him tearing up as I place the ring on his finger. 

"Oh god, did I say something wrong?! See I told you I'm bad at these things!" I say, wanting to die of embarrassment. 

But Mari sits up and kisses me tenderly. 

"Stop baby, it was perfect." He says softly and I kiss him again for a few minutes.

"Aish, it's my turn," 

He clears his throat and tries to look me in the eyes while he speaks, but chokes up and decides to look at his hands as he plays with the fringe on his pink sweatshirt. 

"Wow, Hamie. There's so much that you've done and honestly you don't even know the half of it. When I first came to you, I held so much pain and heartache. That I contemplated as to whether or not life was really worth living. I had to tell myself just one more day Marius, you can do it. But the weight only grew heavier by the day. I took a risk coming here and when I got to the airport, lost and confused in a crowd of unknown people I wanted to give up.

 But instead, I met you. And from that moment forward I knew everything was going to be okay. It was like this wave of relief washed over me and I could finally breathe again. 

Logan...he did a lot to me. I'll spare you the details because I'm sure it will only bring you more pain instead of insight. But he did... indescribably despicable things that at the time, I had believed what he did to be true love until I started dating you.

 I realized that wasn't love. 

That was pure hatred and what I have with you is something that can never be replicated. Your love for me is so pure and I see it every single moment whether I'm near you or far. Every loving touch, every laughing smile, every protective glance I see it all and that's something I can never take for granted. Only then in the moment I do, can you take this ring off." 

He finishes and I'm thankful for the darkness that has now cascaded on the park. He gently feels for my hand in the dark and slides the ring onto my ring finger.


 I hide my face in my arm because I was streaming tears and didn't want to be seen as weak. 

"Hamie...are you okay? Was it too long!?" Mari starts to panic. 

"I'm fine,"

I choke out but my wavering voice instantly gives it away. 


Mari squeals and I wipe away the tears as fast as I can but he finds them. 

"Oh, Hamie..." 

As with typical London, the rain never fails and I can feel the slightest sprinkle dance across my forehead. 

"I love you,"

"I love you too,"


Fun Author Fact: I really put a lot of my personal life into this which is why I'm so invested. 


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