Chapter One: Last Goodbyes

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(The rest of the book will be Jamie POV, if not I'll let you know)

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(The rest of the book will be Jamie POV, if not I'll let you know)

"Jamie, Jamie Caspian," 

I tell the woman at the check-in counter my name as she takes my passport and finds my ticket. 

"Flying into England today, Gatwick, is that correct?"

 She asks and I give her a nervous head nod. She takes my one checked in bag and places an identifying luggage sticker on the side. Then places another sticker on my passport and hands it back to me with my ticket.

 "Have a nice flight," She smiles and I walk back out of the line. 

My mom smiles at me as she hugs me one last time and kisses my cheek. 

"Mom, you're embarrassing me!"  I cry out jokingly and she pulls away squeezing my shoulders.

 "I'm so proud of you Jamie!" She chokes out with tears in her eyes. At this point, she was going to make me cry. 

"Moooom, stop!" I roll my eyes and she finally lets go of me. 

"Good luck out there kiddo, I love you, and I'll see you soon." She says in one breath.

 "I love you too mom.

I hug her one last time before walking away and making the line at TSA, refusing to look back at her because I knew that if I did, I wasn't going to leave.

 I felt guilty enough leaving her alone and all by herself at home with my five younger brothers, But it was time for me to be selfish. I wanted to make it out of my small town and this was how I was going to do it.

I was going to be the first in my family to go college,

 the first in my family to travel to Europe,

 and the first to go to college in another country.

I am about to start my first semester at the University of London in London, England. 

And it's time for my new adventures to begin.

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