Chapter Three: The Adorable Genius

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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

 "MMMMMM, why is American food so good!"

 Mari moans as he munches on a small apple pie.

 "The processed sugar and extra calories," I explain as I check the boarding time on my phone. 

"Hmm, that's true. I wonder if British food is this good," He says with his mouth full and looks over my shoulder at my boarding pass.

"Hey what seat did you get?" he asks as he looks at my pass then takes our his own. 

"I'm in 10A," I look over at his. "Ah I'm in 11A! We're sitting right next to each other!" He smiles and I wonder if this guy never stops smiling. 

"I don't know about you but I plan on sleeping during this flight since it's overnight," I explain and he nods. Taking another bite of his pie.

 "Me too! I'm so tired I feel like I could pass out right away!" He fake yawns for emphases and stretches his arms out.

 "Really, cause you don't seem tired at all." I mumble under my breath and he slaps my knee. 

"I know, I'm a ball of energy. My dads say I'm a handful but I can't help it." He giggles and sits back. "I have an older brother and sister. They can only stand me for a few hours before everyone tells me to calm down. Let me know when I'm annoying and I'll shut up."

 He winks and still couldn't get over how cute he is. I'm not gay or at least I don't think I am, but he was a naturally beautiful man. 

"I would never tell you to shut up Mari. That's rude. Don't ever let anyone talk to you like that." I warn him.

 For some strange reason, I suddenly had the urge to be protective of him.

 "Really!? Cause my boyfriend tells me I should shut up all the time." He says quietly and looks down at his phone. 

His smile leaves for the first time for a second but comes back when he looks back up at me. 

"What's your major?!"

 He asks suddenly and I decide it's best to move on.

 "Oh, I'm majoring in business with a minor in foreign affairs. What about you?" 

I ask and he yawns like a small kitten then sneezes like a mouse.

 "Ah, I'm starting med school. They have an amazing program there that will lead to my residency."  

He says and causally scratches the tip of his nose with his tiny pinky finger.

 "Med school?! But don't you have to go to college first?" I ask, confused. 

"Yup, did that. I graduated in the top 1% of my class back at Bridgeport University last year," he says and I look at him shocked.

 "Wait how old are you?" 

"I'm eighteen. I know I look younger, but that's just a genetics thing." He says and my mouth drops. 

"Mari! You're a genius?!"  I stare at him in disbelief. 

I guess you really couldn't judge a person's intelligence by their looks.

 Mari shrugs a little and blushes. 

"Stooooop, I'm not the genius really. My dad is a lot smarter than me. He graduated med school as a doctor at thirteen."

 He waves my comment off and I feel my mouth drop further. 

"Thirteen? How is that possible? I was going through some stupid emo phase at thirteen." 

I laugh and he laughs too. 

"I know. It's ridiculous but I have to live up to that. He was really mature for his age and I'm not that mature but I'm smart so guess that counts for something." He sighs.

 "I just want to make the amazing Peter Grayson, proud to be honest. Of course, I want to make my papa proud too, but my dad is more important. Don't tell them I said that though. Papa would throw a fit." He laughs and I can only imagine. 

"That's some shadow to live under," I comment and he nods. 

"Yeah. That's mainly why I want to go to England. Everyone on our island knows my entire family and my dad especially. I just want to be my own person you know."

 He smiles and does a cute little peace sign. 

"Oh look our plane is boarding!" 

*On a scale of 1 to 10 how adorable is Mari? 


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