Chapter 34: The Sound of Silence

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Mari walks into the room just as Fin and I were talking

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Mari walks into the room just as Fin and I were talking. 

We instantly stop talking as he trudges across the room in silence and falls onto his bed. Drenched from the usual London downpour. He curls into a ball and stares out his window, emotionless.

 "Mari, what happened?"

 Finley asked cautiously. Mari doesn't respond. He continues staring out the window in an almost eerie manner. I want to say something but Fin gives me a look. 

I wanted to reach over and hold him close. 

I want him to take off his wet clothes so he doesn't get sick.

 But I can't do any of those things. 

I have to stay true to my word. 

Finley looks at his phone and sighs, then walks out the door to take a call. I grab my backpack thinking I would just head to the library and do some studying to keep myself away from Mari, but just as I put my hand on the bronze doorknob,

 I remember what I really am to him.

I look down to realize I'm still holding the doorknob and bang my head against the door.

 God Damnit, my heart aches and I realize what I must do. 

I turn around and drop my backpack. He doesn't even react to the thud. I then hop onto his bed, and he squirms and fights me but I finally hold him in my arms and pin him down. 

Finally giving up he finally starts to cry, so hard that he chokes on his own tears as I hold him tight.


He cries out my name with so much pain and anguish I felt like I was going to cry. "

Shhh. Mari I know. I'm here." I tell him and he lets it all out.

 "He told me I have to see him tomorrow or he's going to kill you," he sobs. 

"No one is going to kill me Mari. First off he can't even get into the building it's so secure and locked down. And second of all I will protect you at all cost you hear me?"  I promise him and he nods.

 "Now come on let's get you out of these clothes before you get pneumonia abroad." I ease him up until he's at least sitting up to some degree. 

"You know that's a myth right? You can't get sick from wet clothes." He says with a sniffle and takes off his shirt. 

"Hypothermia maybe but not a cold." 

He coughs, sick from all the crying and walks over to my wardrobe, steals one of my hoodies that was two sizes too big for him, and puts it over his head.

 I chuckle a little as he comes back to me and takes off his jeans then goes back to my fluffy Marius and snuggles up in my arms.

 I chuckle a little as he comes back to me and takes off his jeans then goes back to my fluffy Marius and snuggles up in my arms

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 Finley walks in and sees us together, he rolls his eyes.

 "Honestly I don't understand why you two don't just put your beds together, I'm going to move out." 

He threatens as Mari curls up on my lap,

 "No Fin I like living with you. Everyone needs that one asshole for a cousin." He giggles and Fin crosses his arms.

 "Go to hell Mari,"

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