Chapter 37: War

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I rush to open the door only to find it locked with screaming coming from the inside

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I rush to open the door only to find it locked with screaming coming from the inside. I drop my bag and fumble for my keys.


I scream, slamming my fist against the door as I unlock it, only to find a fallen wardrobe was blocking my entrance.


I drop everything and count until I hit the room four doors down from me and knock on the door. The door opens and I find Amelia standing before me in a robe.

"Jamie?" She looks at me confused and I push her aside.

"Sorry, no time to explain. I need your balcony!"

I run forward and open her french doors, and burst onto her balcony. Adrenalin rushing through my veins as I take a few steps back.

"Wait! Jamie are you insane!? You're not going to..."

I run forward with all my strength and without thinking twice I make the jump. Barrel rolling once I hit our balcony floor, Hitting the railing but making it as I stand up and look inside our room.

The furniture was tossed all over around the room but the disturbing part was seeing a man holding my boyfriend up to a wall by his throat

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The furniture was tossed all over around the room but the disturbing part was seeing a man holding my boyfriend up to a wall by his throat.

And his feet were dangling.

"Hold On Mari!"

I scream and push my back against the balcony railing then kick with all my strength. Forcing the doors inward and breaking a window in the process.

The guy, who I now assume is Logan, turns to me as I punch him in the face.

He finally drops Mari, who lays on the ground gasping for air.

"Hi, I'm Jamie, what the fuck do you think you're doing to MY boyfriend?"

I ask as I punch him again. Swinging hard enough for him to knock into Finley's bookshelf and he cuts his head on the corner. He looks up at me and smiles,

"Ha, I'm Logan."

He punches back and the force sends me to the floor. "Hamie!" Mari screams but I'm quick to get up.

"Mari, get to the balcony!"

I scream as I hit Logan again, building up speed and strength as we continue hitting each other.

I feel a jab in my side but ignore it as I continue fighting for Marius. For all the shit this asshole put him through. And the pieces of his heart I have to glue together. The thought of him choking Mari makes my blood boil as I hit him harder and harder until he's on the ground and I kick him. Continuing to fight for my life and his.

I was in such a rush I didn't notice security breaking in until they shot me down with a paralyzing agent and I fell to the floor.

Passing out.

An American In London S1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora