Chapter 41: The Ginger in the Back

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(Finley POV)

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(Finley POV)

I sit in the back of the class near the window with my tablet in hand. Since I was a few minutes early, I lean back and scroll the news from Bridgeport. Sighing when I see the headline: Grayson Assaulted By Monsterous Ex-Boyfriend.

Our PR team must be having a field day with this one.

To them, it was just another piece of gossip.

They could never understand what it's really like to be a Grayson. The pressure of a name that's a burden you carry on your back the day you're born.

I'm startled from my thoughts when someone plops down in the seat next to me. Our tutor starts to call out attendance. I say here and switch my tablet to take notes.

"Leitus Walker?"

He calls out and the deep voice next to me responds, sending a chill down. I slowly look up, fearing I knew the face behind the voice.

He looked like a completely different person. His auburn hair was neatly combed back and his dark green eyes hidden behind a pair of brown glasses in a plain blue striped button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up.

But it was the small cut on his cheek that confirmed my worst fears,

"Call me Lei,"

He says and takes off his glasses to clean them with his shirt. Lifting it up high enough for me to see his muscular core. He puts his glasses back on and smirks but refuses to look at me. Which only pissed me off more.

I look around the room but there were no other seats to be found. I was stuck in the back with him. He rests his chin in his hand as the tutor starts.

I couldn't get over how different he looked compared to the other day in the library. Then he looked like a badass, now he looks like some preppy college student but either way he was still sexy as hell. I try to focus on class but found myself just staring out into space nervously.

"So for the project I'm going to put you in pairs. You two in the back, Lei and that guy, you two girls," The tutor announces and I'm brought back to reality.

Lei puts down his pencil and finally turns to me.

"So the klutz has a name," He says in that deep voice with that stupid British accent, making my heart want to beat out of my chest. I lean back in my chair and play it off.

"So does the pervert," I respond showing no emotion. There were a few girls who were able to hold my attention. But never like this.

"Fair enough," he says and inches a little closer to me.

"But I only wanted to flirt around for a bit," He points to the cut across his cheek that went through his maze of freckles.

"Should have been more direct instead of slightly creepy then," He runs his hand through his hair and scribbles something down on a piece of paper then hands it to me.

"We can meet up tomorrow for the project, meet me at this address." He says.

"Wait, what was the project about again?" I ask, suddenly remembering I wasn't paying attention.

"Where you that distracted by dashingly good looks?" He laughs.

"No, I have better things to think about," and I grab my bag to leave but he tugs the strap and I tilt close to him.

"I was thinking about you too," He says in a low whisper that sent another shiver. What was going on with me? I push him away and he smiles.

"So the famous fuck boy plays hard to get, this should be interesting," He says and gets up in one cool, calculated motion.

"Saturday at seven, don't be late." He says as he replaces his glasses with sunglasses and walks away.

"God damn." I look up to see Amelia giggling. "He's cute, do you think he would want me too?" She asks as she nudges me while I rub my forehead.

For the first time in My life I was completely speechless.

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