AUL -30- Bonding. AGAIN❤

Start from the beginning

After our conversation ends.. I went to the kitchen to cook a popcorn cause I know them! They said that they'll be here in 20 minutes but later on.. Within 5-10 minutes.. They are already here. Hahaha.

Oh.. I forgot to inform Taehyung that his co-members will be here..

So I went upstairs and I leaned on his door. But why his not playing a video game? I heard what he's saying inside;

"Aaish!! I care a lot for her but why she kept avoiding me?! Uugh!" I heard that he punch his bed.

"Why you're not in her side when she needs you Kim Taehyung?!!!!! Yaaaah!! Pabo!!!"

"Uugh!! Pabo Kim Taehyung!! Paaaaboooo!!"

That's what I heard.. So......? Hhmm..

I knocked on his door and I'm sure that he was surprised.

"Taehyung-aah.. Go downstairs.. Oppas will be here in 5 minutes.." After I said that.. I went downstairs. I didn't wait for his answer.

When I'm walking towards the kitchen.. There's someone knocking on our door.

Maybe it's Oppas.. So I walk towards the door and I am right! It's theeeeem! Kyaah! I miss them!

"Kyaaaaah!!" They screamed and give me a hug..

"Kyaah! I missed my Oppas!!" I said to them..

"So... Only them Noona? Not me? Aaish.." Jungkook said in the side and pouted.

I hugged him.. "Kyaah! I missed you to Of course!!" I said and broke the hug.. And he smiled widely.. Eeh?

"Hahaha!! Oh.. Come in Oppa!" I guide them and they sit in the couch.. I went to the kitchen to serve them the popcorn.. And I saw Taehyung walking downstairs..

"Hyyuuuuuung!!" I heard Jungkook called him.

"Hyuuuuuuuung!! Koooooookie!!" He run towards to Oppas and they hugged each other. So sweet.

After they hugged.. I said, "here's the popcooooorn!!"

"Kyaaaaah!!" Jungkook said..

Wait.. Why is he so active? Eeh?

I put down the big bowl of popcorn in table front of tv.

"Hhmm.. So.. Let's watch?" JHope oppa asked..

"Yeeeeeah! Let's watch Noona! Jeeeebal?" Kyah.. He's doing his aegyo.

"Arraseo. Arraseo... What's your option in horror movies?" I asked them.

"Hhm.. The Grudge 1!!!!!" Jimin Oppa screamed from the kitchen.

"Eeh? The Grudge 1.. And later on your nerves are getting weak. Aaaaish.." I said and rubbed my neck.

"Hahahahah!!! Soyun-ssi is correct!!!" RapMon Oppa said.

"Pffft. Let's watch Real Steel!!" Jin Oppa said.

"Aaish. Oppa, I said earlier, what's your option in HORROR movies. Haaaish." I said and rubbed the back of my neck.

"Hahaha. Hyung is getting older..." Jungkook teased.

"Aaaaahmmm.. The Child Plays 1?!" JHope Oppa asked.

"Eeeh! Wrong turn is much better than The Child Plays!!" Suga Oppa protested.

"Yes! Let's watch Wrong turn!!! Anybody?" I asked.

"Yes!!! Let's watch!" They screamed.

I put the disc of Wrong Turn in DVD and played.

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