Chapter 35: D-DAY!!!

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Tracie woke up with a huge smile on her face for prom day is finally here. (!!!) And also because her twin sisters are on her bed, talking about how they can't wait to go to prom when they grow up. Tracie hugged each of them for their cuteness and thought to herself about Taylor Swift's song "Never Grow Up". She got up from bed and took a bath.

After taking her bath, she put on some comfortable clothes and pants and went for breakfast. It seems like the whole family is hyped for prom. Momma and Papa were just twirling around together while the little twins tried - keyword: tried, to hum a little tune. Her twin brothers were talking to Gramps about their prom experiences. Tracie just shook her head at her family's antics.

"So are you going to prom?" Adam asked.

"Obviously, why wouldn't I?" Tracie replied in a 'duh' voice.

"He thought you were not cool enough for prom," Julian commented, earning a glare from Tracie.

"Pffft, I am cool. Momma, tell Julian how cool I am," Tracie whined.

"Well honey, sorry to break the news but cool people normally don't whine," Momma replied as she poured coffee for Papa.

"Momma please. I thought we've been through this phase. I am abnormally cool. Normal is boring," Tracie said as she took a bite out of her toast.

"Yeah, that's what uncool people say," Julian replied with a smirk on his face.

"Children, calm down. We all know who's the coolest of all," Papa said, making every head turned towards him, "Obviously I am the coolest of all," he finished his sentence, causing an uproar on the dining table.

"How come I'm not cool?"

"I wanna be cool too"

"Cool? Why does everyone wants to be cold?"

"Okay people, I don't care who is cool or not. I love you all equally and that is all that matters," Momma said, making the situation calm.

The Jones finished up their breakfast without much noise afterwards. Tracie went to her room and started to pick a bag to bring to prom. She found a wrislet that went well with her dress and started to fill it with items. Tracie took out the ticket Mr. Anonymous had gave her from envelope. She realised that the ticket had splatters of paint all over it. Tracie was sure it was not the design as she had seen Lily's ticket before. She just shrugged her shoulders and hoped it would still be permitted.

She then went through items to bring. "Tissue packets? Yes, for accidents may happen. Lip balm? Hmm, will there be any kisses tonight? Let's keep it for emergency. Compact mirror? Definitely a yes, duh. Nail polish? No, I'm not even wearing any. Face mask? I'm going to prom not a slumber party. Insect repellant? Yes, keep insects at bay. And maybe this and this and what else? Oh tickets and I am done,I think," Tracie thought out loud.

Tracie then decided to bother her friends. She decided to call Hayley. "Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeey," Tracie greeted with her most annoying voice.

"Why are you up? Prom starts at 6," Hayley said, sounding like she had just woke up.

"Well it is almost 12," Tracie replied before hearing a lot of rustle from the other side.

"I think I might be fashionably late. But who comes on time for prom?" Hayley said.

"Okay okay. Then I shall hang up now so you will be fashionably late but earlier so as not to leave me alone," Tracie stated.

"Why would you be alone? Isn't Mr. Anonymous going?" Hayley teased before she said good bye and hung up. Moving on to the next victim, Cleo.

"Hey, Cleo here leave a message as I might be busy or I don't want to talk to you at all." *beep* Tracie started to laugh like a maniac before whispering Cleo's name over and over again. She finally hung up after getting bored.

Next is Shawna. She picked up. "What are you doing?" Tracie asked, not giving Shawna the chance to say hello.

"I am just binge watching some tv shows because I'm bored," Shawna said and silence fell upon them. Neither of them said anything.

"Well, aren't you asking me what I'm doing?" Tracie asked, breaking the silence.

Shawna laughed before asking her. "I'm pacing back and forth, wishing you were at my door," Tracie sang as an answer. She was pacing in her room. Shawna just laughed at her and said she had to concentrate on watching the tv show before hanging up.

Last but not least,Lily. The moment Lily picked up the call, Tracie started to make strange noises. "Tracie please. I know you are bored but talk my language. Not some strange noises," Lily said.

"Are you busy?" Tracie asked.

"Well it is almost 2 so I am a bit busy, getting ready and all," Lily said. Tracie could not believe it was already 2 so she said goodbye and hung up. Tracie started to search for Momma.

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