Chapter 15: GIRLS' NIGHT

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The pillow fight ended when their stomachs' growled. They were hungry after that gruelling pillow fight. They all went down to the kitchen and searched for food. They searched and searched until Shawna said she would treat them to pizza. And so she whipped out her phone and called for pizza.

They all went into the living room and got into a fight on what channel to watch. Cleo wanted to watch America's Next Top Model, Lily wanted to watch National Geographic Channel that was on a document about koalas, Hayley wanted to watch MTV because it was showing Taylor Swift marathon, Tracie wanted to watch Cupcake Wars and Shawna wanted to watch Barbie And The Three Musketeers. They were wrestling for the remote when the doorbell rang. They all forgot about the shows they wanted to watch and opened up the door to heavenly pizza.

Shawna paid for the pizza and they all ate to their hearts content. Seeing that the atmosphere was getting a bit too silent, Lily took out her iPod and played some tunes. They all starting discussing about the song then the artist and usually drift way far from the actual topic. After eating, they cleaned the place and Hayley suddenly wanted to eat some cookies.

They all raided the kitchen for baking ingredients and surprisingly there were enough ingredients to make cookies and brownies. Cleo and Shawna ordered Lily, Hayley and Tracie because they have way more experience baking than the three of them combined. After a bit of flour spill and egg cracking they made the batter for cookies and brownies. Cleo took the role to put the brownie batter into the pan while the others were too engrossed wanting their cookies to be this shape or that. They sure are seventeen year olds.

The brownies and cookies went into the oven and they decided to iron their clothes for tomorrow. Tracie had already done so as she imagined herself hiding in the bushes untill late night. But things don't always go the way we planned it to be. So she busied herself reading her book while the others decides who goes first. In the end, Hayley volunteered to iron all of their clothes and it was settled. They gossiped about how Joanna Stevens always look at boys so intently,or how Mrs Reed always teach them. And soon their brownies and cookies were ready.

They entered the kitchen and was greeted by the smell of freshly baked brownies and cookies. Shawna took the brownies and cookies out and Tracie immediately grabbed a cookie and put it into her mouth. Instantly regretting her decision because the cookie was hot. The others just laughed at her and Cleo cut the brownies into bite-sized pieces. They ate to their hearts' content and huddled together on the floor as they drift off to sleep.

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