Chapter 20: Dream Girl

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Tracie woke up feeling feverish. She went down stairs and Papa checked her temperature and he lets her stay at home alone for each of the Jones had plans for the day. Papa had to go to work, Momma and Gramps had their Bingo games at the Community Centre, Willow and Lucille went to childcare while Adam and Julian had to go to school. She went back to bed after texting Alexander about for her being absent in school for the day.

She woke up at around 9AM and felt a bit better. She decided to go to the bench because she could use a little exercise and maybe a note from Mr.Anonymous. She bought her usual bag and made her way to the bench. She reached the bench and checked for any notes. There was and she immediately felt better. She sat down and read the note.

THE GIRL AGREED TO BE MY GF!!!!!!!!Im so happy.I can be psychic hahaha its just that you believe in Santa and you were expecting for dwarfs and fairies made it easy for me to guess.My school is Madison High,I think that's the only school around here.Well prom tell me about the traditions because there a hell a lot of them.tell me the important ones -Mr Anonymous

Tracie felt jealous for the girl who got Mr. Anonymous. Because first, he has a way with words, and second, why is Tracie jealous? She has a boyfriend now. She started writing her reply.

THATS MY SCHOOL TOO.So one of the tradition is the guy gets the girl a corsage while the girl gets the guy a bow.If you have a date,which obviously you have because you have a gf now.i have a bf too so I have a date.AND congratulations for getting together with your crush.SUPER happy for you.Other traditions are don't eat garlic on the prom day,don't show your date the dress until the prom day and have fun -Miss Secrets

She folded the note and made her way back home. As she was nearing the house, she saw Mrs Collins pacing back and forth at her doorstep. The moment she saw Tracie ,she made her way to her and told her that Momma asked her assistance to care for Tracie.

“You see I don't really mind. Besides some girl company would be good after being around just two men you know. And I have heard about you and Xander, oh how excited I am for your wedding and you could have it here in front of our houses and you could buy that property just across and oh look at me rambling,” Mrs. Collins said as she dragged Tracie into her house.

“Me and Alexander just started dating but, hey, plans for the future,” Tracie joked. Tracie decided to help Mrs. Collins do her housework and cooking although Mrs. Collins insists that she rest in the guest room.

“You know Alexander has always been a weird kid so bear with him okay?” Mrs Collins said as she chopped the vegetables.

“I like weird, in fact I'm quite weird myself,” Tracie said as she continued to stir the soup.

“He once ate a mud pie-a mud mud pie,because he thought it was chocolate. And luck was not on his side that day, the mud was mixed with dung. Oh what a sight,” Mrs Collins said as she shook her head. Tracie laughed along with her.

After a few more embarrassing story about Alexander, Momma fetched Tracie. Momma gave Mrs. Collins some chocolate that she had won form a Bingo game. She went home with Momma and ate a little before going to her room.

She finally remembered about Mr. Anonymous' notes and she reread every single note and kept it in her memory box. She then cuddled with her current read and lose herself in the world of fiction and fantasy.

School ended and her phone rang and it was a conference call from the ladies.

“HEY!” The girls greeted her at the same time.

“Hey, so any news or happenings?”

“SHAY ZENON IS SEEING LOUIS GRISWALD!” A voice that Tracie knew all too well,Hayley.

They continued on talking about prom dresses while Tracie's mind was filled with thoughts. Mr. Anonymous just got a girlfriend and so did Louis Griswald. LINK! Her brain was now working fast. But if Louis is Mr. Anonymous, what are her feelings. She did like Mr. Anonymous through letters but knowing who he is, would it change her thinking. She said 'goodbye' to the girls and went to her study table.

She had decided to confront Louis. So she is writing the script for it. She was done and decided to practice it at her balcony. The night air felt refreshing and Tracie practised as she paced back and forth that small space.

Little did she know that Alexander was lounging at his balcony with The Giver by Lois Lowry. And that from the moment Tracie went out to her balcony, he had stopped reading and was observing her. He finally cleared his throat to get Tracie's attention and whispered,“I missed you at school. Good night and sweet dreams.”

Embarrassed, Tracie whispered back, “I can't go to sleep if you keep dreaming of me.So try to tone down the dreams okay?”

“I can't. Because you are the girl of my dreams,” Alexander replied quite casually. They both flirted a bit more before Alexander shooed her to bed. When she was about to sleep,she suddenly felt sure that she likes Alexander, like like like.


A/N: Any thoughts on their relationship?Leave comments for their ship name because Im just that terrible when it comes to name shipping things.

Tracie Melody Jones x Alexander Xavier Collins

And I think the next update will be a little late because school and food.


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