Chapter 29: ((updatesinceyouaskedforit))

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Tracie felt better after shouting and decided to find her friends. She found her friends at their usual spot and joined their conversation.

"So we are going to my dad's boutique tomorrow,right?" Cleo asked the girls.

"Of course,like totally,since you asked him to reserve the best designs for us,"Hayley said as she checked her hair in her mini mirror.

"Where is Lily?I have not seen her all day," Shawna said as she looked around.

"Now that you said it,where is she?"Tracie added and the four of them scanned the crowd for her. And somehow their eyes landed pn Alexander and Vanessa.

"Is that who I think that is?" Hayley asked as she looked at Tracie.

"You guys are over?That is ridiculous,"Cleo said as she threw her hands in the air.

"I am so giving that boy a piece of my mind,"Shawna said before she was stopped by Tracie.

"I don't even know. Truth is I am tired," Tracie sighed.

And along came Lily who was bubbling with happiness. "Guess what?" And without giving them any chance to guess,she continued, "Max as in Max-my-secret-crush-whom-I-told-no-one-about, asked me to prom as his date!"Lily was now jumping.

The girls smiled and tried to be happy but after what they saw,it was difficult. "You guys don't like him?"Lily asked,looking sad.

"No,we are happy for you.It's just,that,"Cleo explained as she pointed to Alexander and Vanessa,who are now going to the hall together.

"What in the world?I am so sorry Tracie.I didn't kno-"Lilly blabbered.

"It is fine.I don't even know what we are but dont let me be the rain on your parade. So you were saying about this Max?Your secret crush whom you tell no one? So tell us now,"Tracie said,a small smile playing on her lips.

Lily told them that it was Max Owen and how she had a crush on him since like forever. She then said that Max told her that he asked for Tracie's help and Lily thanked Tracie profusely.

"Wait a minute," Hayley said, "Tracie helped Max to ask you to prom. Alexander is mad - if he still has the right to be mad even, with Tracie because of Max." Her forehead is now creased as something clicked in her mind.

"Tracie, Max was not asking about corsages,he was asking about Lily and then Alexander saw you guys and thought, oh my god," Cleo said as she shook her head.

"It is kind of my fault you had a fallout with Alexander.I am so sorry Tracie.I should go talk to him,"Lily said as she was about to walk towards Alexander.

"No,Lily,it is totally fine. Besides,if he trusts me,he would not have jumped to conclusions.So it is neither Max's or your fault,so chill," Tracoe said as she patted Lily's back.

Lily hugged Tracie and then the rest of the girls joined her.Tracie was happy that she had a lovely group of friends.

"So are we going assembly or are we going to get detention?" Shawna asked before they head towards the hall for assembly.


The school day ended and Lily was still smiling over the fact that her date was her crush. The girls just shook their heads as they looked at her. And somehow Tracie managed to keep her distance away from Alexander,unlike Vanessa. She was always beside Alexander except when she needed the toilet. Tracie just let out a sigh as she thought about Alexander.

Hayley offered to drive her home.

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