Chapter 34: loser

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D-01 →PROM

All students from Madison High gets the day off. Except for Tracie and a few others who volunteered. But today, she will not be blowing balloons. She will be arranging the tables and chairs. Tracie was grateful because her cheeks were aching from blowing up balloons.

She was asked to arrange the tables at the reception area. She was assigned with another guy but he was nowhere to be found so Tracie went ahead to find the tables. The tables were kept in the store room so Tracie made her way there. She entered the store room and bumped into something. She rubbed her head and looked up.

She had run into Louis Griswald. He mumbled a 'sorry' and Tracie just waved it off. "How come I never see you around?" Tracie asked as she took a table.

"I was hanging up streamers. And what were you doing?" Louis asked back as he took two tables at once.

"Wow, you got the fun job. I had to blow up balloon," Tracie whined.

Louis just laughed. "No offence, but that task is for losers," he said before laughing more.

"Are you calling me a loser? Did you forget who got us an 'A' in English?" Tracie scoffed.

"That is completely irrelevant," Louis replied.

"Well, it is relevant for me therefore I am not a loser. End of discussion," Tracie said as they reached the reception area. They arranged the tables and are left to find the tablecloth.

They found the tablecloth and set it on the table. Their task was done. "Did you know they would keep the library open during prom? I found out it is for those who don't like blasting music,and just want to relax," Louis said as they entered the hall.

"That's cool. Are you excited for prom?" Tracie asked randomly.

"Huh?" Louis said as turned towards Tracie.

"Are you excited for prom? Since you volunteered to help and all..." Tracie asked her question again.

"A bit maybe. I don't really know. Hahaha," Louis said.

"To be honest, me too. When they first gave out brochures, I was super excited. But as the day gre closer, I feel less and less excited," Tracie said though he didn't ask her.

They were then dismissed as everything was ready. Now the prom committe will do the rest. Tracie was happy and walked out of school. Louis exit the school right after her. Just as he was passing by, he said, " Just for the record, blowing balloons are for loser. Except you. You are awesome." He then continued to walk, leaving Tracie stunned.

She was about to take another step when she remembered she had left her assigments in her locker. She walked back into school and made her way to her locker. A note greeted her.

I can't wait to get to know you. Remember to bring your ticket. It is very important. See you tomorrow. -Mr Anonymous

Tracie read it and smiled a little smile. This Mr. Anonymous guy is making her like him. Although it could be dangerous. But Tracie thought if he did not show up, she would just spend the night at the library, socialising with books. Tracie went to take the bus home.

She reached home and was tired. She just wanted her bed. But as soon as her cellphone rang, she was awake. It was Cleo.

"Hey," Tracie said as she picked up the call.

"Hey, you know, turns out my mom booked a spa for me. The spa is for two people and the others already have their spa reservations. I know you don't really like the idea of a stranger touching you but-" Cleo said in a breath.

"Okay,okay, for the sake of my friend. But you have to pick me up," Tracie agreed. Cleo said that she was already waiting at a corner near Tracie's house. Tracie told Momma and Momma told her to have fun. And Tracie was out of the door although she had just entered it.

She got into Cleo's car and Cleo gave her a KitKat. Cleo explained that she thought she had to bribe Tracie with chocolate to agree to join her. Tracie ate the chocolate while Cleo drove them to the spa place. Tracie slept the moment the lady started to put mask on her face.

The spa treatment was fantabulous. Tracie felt good and new. She thanked Cleo for asking her to join. She could not stop touching her face that was very smooth. Cleo dropped her off and Tracie went inside, just in time for dinner.

After ensuring her dress is set, Tracie went to bed. She thought about possible versions of meeting Mr. Anonymous and possible conversations they would have.

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