Chapter 27: Rainy Day

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Tracie reached her bench and checked for any notes. There were none, just like before. Tracie took out a piece of paper and started writing.

Ain't it fun ignoring me? Are you boys seriously this way? Ignoring girls are your forte. In case you cared, my boyfriend just totally misunderstood me and he did not even let me explain. In fact he even shoo-ed me out of his car. And I am not even sure what state our relationship is in. Like he did not give a clear signal and just left me hanging. Maybe all boys just love to leave a girl hanging.... -Miss Secrets

Tracie felt better after letting out her bottled feelings; both for Alexander and Mr. Anonymous. She folded the note and left it under the bench. She walked back home.

And as she was about to reach her house, the skies cried upon her. Her mood went down again because rain just makes her feel sad. She managed to get home but was nowhere near dry. She entered the house and changed to warm clothes. She was about to watch some Youtube videos on her laptop when Momma called her down.

She reached the bottom of the stairs and saw her eldest brother, Dexter together with a lady. She immediately hugged Dexter and told him how much she missed him and how his room is now a library and how she spent more time in that library than on her bed. She finished her rambling before Dexter introduced her to the lady beside him. The lady was Dexter's girlfriend,Charlotte. Tracie greeted her and Momma called them to enter the dining room for dinner is served.

Tracie sat next to Charlotte and they talked about everything under the sun. Turns out she was classmates with Dexter from high school. And they are currently going steady and Charlotte thinks that maybe Dexter would be the father of her children. Tracie was happy to see her brother happy with someone because her brother's past relationships were not that good so she hopes this is also the One for him

Dinner was over and Tracie was about to go to her bedroom when Dexter asked her to meet him in the library. Tracie entered the library and saw Dexter examining the shelves, bean bags and the sofa. Dexter took a seat at the sofa and gestured for Tracie to do the same.

"Something is wrong with you. Spit it out now," Dexter ordered. "Momma told me how you looked listless when you came back home. And also the school told her that you took the Emotionally Unstable slip so please tell me what happened? Is it Alexander? I swear that bo-"

Tracie cut her brother off before telling him what happened. Knowing Dexter,there was no hiding anything from him. Dexter had always knew if something is wrong with Tracie. And Tracie is close to Dexter. Dexter gave her a hug- a brotherly hug, after hearing her story.

"Oh my little baby sister!" Dexter cooed as he pinched her cheeks, "Why didn't you try to explain?" He said as his pinching got a little harder.

"Aww! Forgive me dear brother but if he is not interested, why should I be wasting my precious saliva on him?" Tracie said as she tried to wiggle free from Dexter's death claws.

Dexter gave her a last pinch before letting go. Tracie immediately rubbed her cheeks. "Why are you here though? It can't be just because of me," Tracie said.

"Well, truth is I need your help. It is abo-" Dexter was once again interrupted by Tracie.

"Oh I know how awesome I am that you need my help. So tell me, what is it that you need my help in?" Tracie asked as she checked her nails. Dexter pinched her cheeks once again before continuing from where he was cut off.

"As I was saying, I need your help. I am pretty sure that Charlotte is The One for me. So I was thinking how should I propose to her?" Dexter asked.

"First of all ,I am happy for you my dear brother ,though I pray for Charlotte, there are a lot of other good guys out there, why must she choose my brother?" Tracie said,earning a glare from Dexter. "Okay, okay, I was just kidding. You have come to the right person. How about proposal using fireworks? You know those kind that spell out 'Marry me Charlotte'?"

"Too fancy."

"How about proposing her with petals that spell out 'Marry me Charlotte? No,no that is a bad idea. Why would a few hundred stalks of rose had to die just for you to get married? Did we not learn from 'Beauty And The Beast' on how precious a rose can be?" Typical Tracie. She went on ranting about the Earth dying and humans having no other place to live.

"Why did I even thought of asking you?" Dexter sighed.

"Or you could just get down on one knee and propose? Or to make it more romantic ,write an eulogy for her," Tracie suggested before Dexter gave her a 'WTH' look, "Well Augustus Waters did that and millions of girls want him as a boyfriend."

Dexter shook his head. He totally regret his decision to ask for Tracie's opinion on a serious matter. "Or you could ask Momma for help. Afterall MOTHER KNOWS BEST," Tracie suddenly burst out. She excused herself and went to her room to get ready for school. Dexter told her to try to explain to Alexander as she exit the library.

"I'll sleep on it," Tracie said as she entered her room.

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