Chapter 21: Detention

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The next day Tracie woke up late. Momma did not find her on her bed and thought that she had already left for school. But in reality, Tracie was under her bed, sleeping very soundly. It was not until Willow and Lucille tried to hide from Momma under her bed did she woke up. She was late.

She got ready in record time and Momma gave her a ride to school. She had to report to the office and she was told that she had detention for the day. Tracie cursed herself for ending up under the bed. She was not a stationary sleeper so somehow she ended up under her bed. But on the bright side, she has Maths, which means Hayley and Alexander.

She got into class and took a seat beside Hayley. She looked around the room for Alexander but he was nowhere to be seen. Hayley then tapped on her shoulder and told her that Alexander was excused from class for some Literature Club thing. Tracie pouted and leaned on Hayley for she had wanted to meet Alexander. She told Hayley that she had detention and Hayley promised to drive her home for she had ballerina practice today.

Detention was basically a substitute teacher sitting at the teacher's table as he typed away on his phone while the rest of the students do their own stuffs. Tracie sat at the corner as she read the third book from Harry Potter. She was engrossed in her book that she did not notice that Max Owen, a permanent resident for detention, had taken the seat next to her. He observed - more to staring, at Tracie before he pulled the book away from Tracie. Tracie looked up,bewildered because she did not like to be interrupted from reading.

"What is Miss Goody Two-Shoes doing in detention?" Max asked as he studied the book.

"I was late. Now hand me back my book, please," Tracie asked as politely as she could, which was far from polite.

"How can you read this book? There are words and more words," Max asked, seemingly disgusted as he flipped the pages.

"Maybe I like words and imagining things , so would you please kindly pass me my book back?" Tracie asked as she let out a huge sigh.

"Oh imagining huh?" Max asked as he put his finger on his chin,as if he was thinking, "Imagine this, you and me hooking up after detention, then maybe I will give you back the book," he asked as he looked at Tracie expectantly.

Tracie let out a sigh. "You know what? Keep the book and no way in this life or next would I ever imagine that," Tracie said as she took her bag and left the classroom for her detention had ended. Max was surprised by her reaction for he was just fooling around. Being like that was his natural behaviour.

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