Chapter 12: Dinner

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The sweeping never seems to end. Tracie was done with the dining room,the kitchen, the study and the balconies. All that is left are bedrooms. But she chooses to ignore those places because the guests are not staying overnight. Momma, like any other mothers, knew her intentions and told her to do it. Tracie did as she was told, begrudgingly.

And at last, the house was clean and was filled with the smell of mouth-watering baked pasta. The Jones were all now lounging at the living room for Momma forbid any of them to enter the kitchen until she is done. So while waiting for Momma, Tracie decided to start reading Delirium by Lauren Oliver. She was just starting the second chapter when Momma announced that the kitchen is open for all.

The Jones all tumbled into the kitchen and sat at their respective places. The reason Momma allows them to eat first is because the boys in the house are gluttons. So in order to save her some face, Momma lets them fill 3/4 of their stomach before the guests arrive. They will then be full and will only eat a little bit.

Momma rushed them through eating because it was already 5:30PM. The Collins will be arriving around 7PM. After eating, all of them went to get ready .Tracie took a bath and decided to wear a sundress with her Oxford shoes. She just brushed through her hair and put it into a side braid. And she was ready by 6:30PM. So she decided to continue reading her book.

At around 7PM, there was a knock at the door. The Jones were now scurrying through the house to ensure everything looks nice. Because first impressions last. After ensuring everything was okay, Papa opened up the door, only to be greeted by a Girl Scout selling cookies. He bought the cookies nevertheless because cookies were his comfort food. So the wait continues.

Finally the Collins arrive at around 7:15PM. They apologised because Mr. Collins had an emergency at his office. The Jones just waved it off and they sat for dinner. Surprisingly, Tracie ended up sitting next to Alexander. They small talked about school and the weather. After dinner, the adults(meaning Momma,Papa,Gramps,Dexter,Todd,Mrs Collins and Mr. Collins) went to the living room to talk about adult issues. So the kids were left in the kitchen,eating ice cream.

Tracie was finishing her ice cream when Lucille let out a yawn. She checked the clock and realised it was the little twins' bedtime. She excused herself to put them to bed. Alexander offered to help and he carried Willow. Tracie took Lucille and told the boys(Adam and Julian) to clear the table after they are done with their ice cream.

Tracie led Alexander to the twins' bedroom and set them into their beds .After ensuring both the twins are comfortable, Alexander said, “You sure are a good sister.”

Tracie: Thank you. I take it that you are the only child in the family.

Alexander: Yeah, it was fun until I saw your family.

Tracie: Are you jealous? Because what you see is just the crest of the wave.

Alexander: Hahaha, Let's take this conversation outside because the twins might be disturbed by our voices.

So both of them went outside outside.They went into the backyard and sat on the grass.They continued their conversation.

Tracie: Do you watch Frozen?

Alexander: Nope, I just watched the trailer. I rather read than watch.

Tracie: Wow, a guy who reads.You, sir, are a rare gem in this time and age.

Alexander: Is that a bad thing? You know for a guy to read.

Tracie:Nope, you should go on Tumblr and see how wanted guys like you are.

Alexander: You sure are interesting. Do you go to the park?

Tracie:Yeah, like any free time I have, I'll just go to the park.

Alexander: Wow I thought girls spend their free time on Tumblr or the mall.

Tracie: We can't all be the same. If I'm the same,you won't be finding me interesting and this conversation might never happen for I would be too busy re-blogging about Frozen.

And with that they laughed.Until their parents called them in. The Collins thanked the Jones for the wonderful meal and said their goodbyes. Tracie was smiling as she recalled her conversation with Alexander. Until Gramps said, “So you and the boy aye?” Tracie just rolled her eyes and shook her head and excused herself to bed.

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