"Lauren!" she squealed through laughter, trying everything in her power to get me off of her.

"Shh," I warned, not wanting to disturb or alert anyone in the nearby rooms.

I finally gave into her protests and rolled off of her and onto the bed. She sat up, still laughing as she gripped her sides.

"I'm going to kill you," she warned. "Not now, but when you least expect it. I'm going to get you back."

She laid back down on her side, propped up on her elbow as she absentmindedly toyed with my fingers. We sat in comfortable silence, Camila lost in her own world while I admired her beauty despite her messy morning hair and lack of makeup. She suddenly looked up, her beautiful eyes staring right into mine as her mouth curled up into the most adorable half-smile.

"If I kiss you, do you promise not to tickle me?" she asked.

"Pinky swear," I answered, holding out my pinky which she gladly took in her own.

She laced our other fingers together as I sat up on my elbow as well, our lips connecting almost immediately. Her other hand found its way to my neck, resting there as she kissed me gently. The way her lips felt against mine, the way they were so soft and sincere yet so powerful, made me crave her more and more. I didn't want anything more than a kiss. A deep, passionate kiss. I wanted to kiss her for the rest of my life, just like that- not too aggressively but not too gently, perfectly in between but still dripping with the same amount of passion. I placed my hand on her hip and scooted closer, our mouths molding together as she leaned into me. We separated momentarily, both of our heads buzzing and our hearts racing, but before we could continue, we heard a voice from the doorway.

"Mila?" Dinah choked out.

Camila sprang off the bed, nearly tripping over her own feet as she tried to find solid ground.

"How did you get in here?" I nearly shouted.

"The...door was open," Dinah answered, her voice just above a whisper.

My heart leapt in my chest in realization of what had happened. Camila and I had returned to the room after our late night adventure and failed to shut the door securely in our exhausted state. It had remained open all night, and anyone could have gotten in and found us had they wanted to. Even though I was nervous, I was glad it was Dinah who had found us. At least I knew that she was close with Camila and would probably willingly hear her out.

"Dinah, I can explain," Camila said, holding out her hands defensively.

I felt like I should have said something, but I didn't know what or how. Dinah was Camila's best friend, and if anyone needed to explain what had just happened, it was Camila. I just laid there in the bed, totally shocked and frozen with the fear of how Dinah would react.

"What...what is there to explain?" Dinah half-chuckled. "I just walked in on you and Lo kissing."

"I know, but if you would just hear me out for like five seconds I can-"

"Mila," Dinah interrupted, "I'm not going to pretend like I don't know what's been going on between you two."

Camila looked me and then back to Dinah, her expression a mix of relief and defeat.

"You know?" Camila gasped.

"Yeah, I mean, you make it pretty obvious," Dinah laughed. "You hold hands under the table at breakfast, you can't keep your hands off of each other during interviews, not to mention you always sneak off together."

"Maybe we're just really close friends," I suggested, trying to make light of the situation.

"Friends who make-out? Yeah, sure," Dinah said sarcastically, rolling her eyes and dismissing my comment with a wave of her hand. "Besides, even if I hadn't just walked in on you two, I could tell there was something going on just by the way you look at each other."

Should Have Known (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now