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m a r c u s '    t h i r d   p e r s o n   p o v

"truth or dare?" connor is holding a golden envelope, as he smiled at the camera. all the contestants were eager to know what the first challenge was, and it was all written on the card inside that envelope that connor was holding. he went around in circles, the light following him as he walked slowly, creating tension for not only the contestants but the viewers at home.

"hurry the fuck up," marcus whispered under his breath as he watched the show from his large TV in his second home. he had popcorn lying on the table and he was covered under a blanket on the sofa but he was too anxious for his friends to eat it. he knew this was going to be a bad idea. he knew connor, he knew what he could be up to. he should have stopped them before something happens.

connor finally stopped, and the light was no longer just on him.  another light shone, showing the pair who was going to pick the first challenge. there was no hat to pick, no wheel to spin, just connor walking round in circles until he chose the first victim. it was zoe and alfie, the first ever couple to win the show.

marcus breathed, glad that it wasn't dan or phil answering first. not that they would have to do the challenge, but often being in the hot seat was hard. he would know.

"okay, zoe and alfie. truth or dare?" connor looked at them with a grin, the grin that marcus knew and loathed. there was something about it... something that made him distrust his friend more and more. marcus watched as zoe looked at alfie, who's arm was around her comfortably. after all these years they were still together. surely that was a good thing, for dan and phil anyways.

"dare." alfie finally stated. zoe nodded, a smile growing on her face at the challenge. connor nodded at the response.

"zalfie choose dare." connor said to the camera, as if to clarify to the audience. he held the envelope, which was shining from the light, opening it and revealing a just as shiny gold card. he took a deep breath before reading the challenge.

"this is a couples test right?" he started, "so surely the couples would trust each other to... not be with each other... right?" his voice was calm, but demeaning, as if trying to throw the contestants off. the couples looked at each other with confusion. what did he mean by that?

"how long can you couples be without each other?" connor continued, "or hold on, let's switch things up a bit."

marcus frowned, tempted to switch off the tv but finding himself unable to move. what was connor up to? 

"this seems like a big one for the first challenge, but i like this one better. let's see how this will go, chris, will you switch places with phil?"

marcus stood up in awe as he realized what this 'trust exercise' meant for his friends. the next thing he knew, he had his coat on, he had locked the door to the front of the penthouse and was in his car, driving to none other than CF studios.

(i am so sorry this took so long, i haven't had the time at all! but i'm really hoping i can update more, though it may mean shorter chapters for the time-being)

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