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( a bit sweary, sorry )

it was the next morning when dan woke up in the middle of the bed, feeling the light on his face from the window and hearing the sounds of some rather loud birds chirping away. he yawned, slightly surprised at where he was, only remembering that he had asked to stay over at marcus'. although drunk, dan remembered everything from the night before. he remembered being in the bathroom with phil, he remembered their kiss, he remembered his conversation with marcus, and most importantly, his conversation with phil. last night, dan had confessed to phil that he was gay.

shit, i fucked up.

dan had taken up the whole bed and he lifted the duvet off, sitting up and realised that phil was nowhere to be seen. he grabbed his phone, calling phil's number, begging silently to himself that he would pick up but heard a vibration from the other side of the room.

damnit, phil.

dan crossed the bedroom, finding phil's phone had slipped on the side of the couch. phil had slept there last night, there were now covers on top of the couch that weren't there before, neatly folded on one side of the couch, and dan could see there was a slight lump in the couch, as if someone had put their whole weight on it.

dan grabbed the phone, seeing a notification from early this morning.

marcus: hope i managed to help last night

dan raised an eyebrow, confused about the message.

marcus: i promise i won't tell dan till you know yourself.

dan clenched his fists, not wanting to go through all the messages and ran down the stairs, running all over the house until finally finding marcus in his bed, a bottle of beer in his hand and him snoring loudly.

dan shook him, not thinking, a pang of jealousy going through him as he yanked the covers of the bed.

"dude, what the fuck?" marcus shouted, waking up to see dan. 

"what did you to to phil?" dan asked, "where is he?"

marcus only smiled, seeing how worried dan was of phil. he thought it was sweet, how much he cared but how useless he was at showing his affection towards his lover. it was so obvious to him how much he loved him, but marcus knew it would take time for dan to admit it.

"i don't know where he is, man, i'm here, he's not."

"he was with you, wasn't he?" dan challenged, tossing phil's phone on marcus' bed, who's eyes widened at the messages he sent this morning before going back to sleep.

"you checked his phone?"

"no, i..." dan didn't want to explain what he was doing, he just wanted to see phil. "what did you do with phil?"

but Marcus only continued to smile, a big goofy smile which dan didn't understand why he was smiling.

"why the fuck do you keep smiling like a moron?" dan asked, annoyed at his friend for being so unhelpful.

marcus shrugged in response, his smile not fading away. he was remembering his conversation with phil the night before. phil was stubborn. phil wouldn't believe marcus that dan liked him more than a friend. he didn't want to believe it. marcus wasn't exactly sure why that was, but whatever marcus said, phil would reply with something that made sense to him, but not to anyone else. phil was naive.

"cause you love him," he finally said, which dan glared at him in shock. "don't worry, dan, i didn't fuck him last night if that's what you are worried-."

"what the fuck, marcus, i do-"

"what is wrong with you guys?" marcus cut him off, sighing. "why is it so difficult to accept?" 

"accept what?" dan asked, which only made marcus impatient, hitting his forehead in stupidity.

"you're gay," marcus held out his left hand, "he's gay," he held out his right hand, "boom." he clapped his hand, metaphorically joining dan and phil together, which were represented by his hands.

"did phil tell you i was gay?" dan asked, now having a different reason to needing to find phil.

"are you serious dan? i say all that and all you care about is that i know you're gay? i've known since i met you dan, i have a gay radar. you learn a lot when you have gay parents,"

dan rememebered marcus vaguely telling him about his parents and he sighed. of course marcus knew. and of course phil didn't tell him. he trusted phil, and phil would never tell anyone his secrets. he'd hope.

"do i need to show you the pictures too?" marcus asked, rolling his eyes.

"what pictures?" dan questioned.

"the pictures i showed phil."


i didn't like this part very much. do y'all want marcus to show dan the pictures too or shall we skip and just get on with what happened to phil? 

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