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p h i l

phil was nervous. he felt like a little girl who was on her first date. except, this wasn't a date. his hands tapped on the table as dan went up to the counter to order his breakfast. and his too. he couldn't get over the fact that he was actually doing this. he was having breakfast with some punk dude he's just met. phil wasn't one to label people or follow stereotypes, but he had never pictured himself going out for breakfast with a guy like dan. he shivered at the thoughts, starting to have second doubts, his eyes drifting towards the door.

i could run. i could run right now.

but he didn't. dan walked back and sat across from him. he looked dead straight into his eyes and phil returned with a faint smile.

"pancakes, right?" he asked, taking off his black leather jacket and placing it neatly beside him on the booth seat. it was definitely too hot inside to be wearing a leather jacket. . dan could tell that phil was nervous, his eyes avoiding contact with his, his face flushed.

"with maple syrup," phil nodded. dan grinned as the waitress came over, who winked at him, setting the food and milkshakes down. phil noticed how dan avoided the waitress' wink, not even looking up at her or thanking her for the food

"you new around here?" she asked, obviously annoyed that dan didn't notice her wink. phil looked up at her. she was pretty, with black hair and piercings on her nose and lip. phil shuddered. she looked scary.

"yeah, we both are," phil said, seeing that dan wasn't going to answer. phil, although had been to this place a couple of times with the two weeks he was settling here, had never seen this waitress before. she must be new.

the waitress looked at phil and frowned, seeing the adorable boy who somehow ended up sitting in front of a punk. phil knew that she wasn't asking him, but dan was obviously not interested in making conversation with her. dan looked up at the waitress and rolled his eyes.

"can you leave us to eat our food?" he scowled, pushing phil's milkshake towards him as he gave him a surprised look. "i don't particiluarly find it comfortable when people watch me eat."

the waitress' face fell. phil bit his lip, feeling sympathy at dan's harsh words as he looked down at his plate of pancakes. they looked delicious. but it seemed that it was the last time he was ever going to enjoy them, or being here. dan had just ruined his favourite breakfast place.


d a n

dan wanted to gag. he could tell from afar that the waitress was checking him out but he wasn't interested. he had no interest. he just wasn't into girls. when she came over and gave him that cheeky wink, he ws all ready to stand up and leave, or worse, gouge his eyes out with the pair of scissors he could see on the counter. instead, dan decided to focus on phil. it was easier that way, and he hoped that ignoring her question would make her leave. it didn’t. because phil was too nice to not answer the question.

"are you not going to eat?" he asked, see phil prodding his pancake with his fork. dan could see the sadness in his eyes as he looked at him, tears welling up but no tears rolled down his soft cheeks. phil only nodded, poking the pancake with his finger.

"still warm," he whispered and let out a small smile. dan liked phil's smile. it made his face glow and lit up like a child who just got a puppy for their birthday. phil's smile was something dan had never seen before. no, felt before. phil made dan want to smile too. and dan didn't know why.

"you eat your pancakes with a fork and knife?" dan asked with a grin, watching the pastel boy as lifted his fork and knife and sliced through the pancake.

"how else would i eat it?" he asked, picking up a small piece of pancake with his fork and gently plopping it into his mouth. dan's grin only grew wider.

"watch and learn my friend,"

dan shoved the fork and knife that was given to him off the table so it made a large 'clank' on the floor and lifted one large pancake with his two hands and started to scoff it down as if he hadn't eaten in weeks. he groaned as he ate it, mocking the taste as if it was the most incredible thing he had ever eaten in his whole life.

"mmmmm... ughh... oh myyy... soo goooood." he mumbled, getting pancake and butter all over his mouth, syrup dripping from the side of his mouth. dan could feel the eyes of the waitress looking in awe at the state of dan. he was a mess. literally.

phil's jaw was wide open. he had never expected dan to eat a pancake like that. dan watched phil's scared face and he licked his lips seductively, before licking his fingers one by one, slowly. he was all finished. all three pancakes were devoured. gone. and all phil had eaten was a single cut slice.

"your turn," dan smiled, leaning against the back of the booth seat. phil shook his head.

"i couldn't possibly..." phil started, looking down at his pancake with fright.

"don't be such a wuss." dan replied with a chuckle, "what are we going to do with you when we play truth or dare?"

"but we aren't playing truth or dare." phil retorted, crossing his arms.

"we are now." dan replied, taking phil's cutlery. dan gestured at the pancakes with his hands. "go on,"

phil turned into a smile, and it grew and grew.

"oh, what the heck." he said and started to stuff pieces of pancake into his mouth, less clumsily than dan but just as funny as dan watched him with a sense of proudness on his face. phil did it with less groaning and sounds, but it was an unforgettable sight. dan quickly took a picture at his messy friend as he finished. a soft boy with pancake bits all over his mouth, his eyes glowing in delight like he had never had this much fun. phil had made this his favourite breakfast place.

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