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p h i l

dan turned towards me, his brown eyes that i had grown to love were now dull, losing it's beautiful colour. they almost looked... hurt. they were also filled with tears. 

"no phil," he repeated, this time, more quietly and less aggressively. he sighed, staring at nothing.

"i don't understand," i replied, which couldn't be more accurate. i was confused. why was dan being so difficult? he had just kissed me for goodness sake. 

"can you not see that i want to be more than just partners?" he retorted, giving out a faint laugh. "how can i be so stupid."


dan turned to me, a small smile on his face. it almost looked mocking.

"i like you phil lester," he whispered, looking straight into my eyes.

my heart skipped a beat.

"how could i ever think someone like you could like someone like me?"

i rolled my eyes at the statement.

"how could i not like someone like you, dan is the real question here," i retaliated, and he looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "dan, don't you know what an wonderful person you are?" i continued when he did not answer. "you hide your beautiful self dan, and i hate it. you're smart, caring, funny... your so loving and precious. i notice these things about you dan, from your cute dimples to your curly hair in the morning that no one else gets to see but me. i've liked you from the minute you set foot in our room dan, and that will never change.

it was silent for a few minutes. i was scared i had lost him forever.

"you're amazing you know that?" dan sighed, grabbing me into a hug and smiling the wide smile that i always loved to see. "they should call you AmazingPhil."

i laughed at the name, finding it cringy yet liking it at the same time. maybe it was because dan came up with it. he was a genius too.

"about the gameshow..." i started, looking back up at the poster which was staring at us from the side of the bus stop. "they don't just allow any partners you know." 

"what do you mean?" dan looked at me, with a glint of confusion.

"it's not just any partners. it's a gameshow for people who are dating," i said, blushing. i thought it was obvious when i first brought it up.

"oh..." dan was blushing too now. "so does that mean... are we..."

i smiled, not knowing how to answer. i turned back the poster, reading it's details.

"it starts in a few months. we will be partners and we will be assigned challenges. we'll be facing other..." i gulped, trying to find the right term. "couples."

dan was smiling too now, but this time he was looking at his hands instead of me. it almost seemed that he was nervous.

"in that case..." dan said, "i'd love to be your partner phil. in this game show, and in real life."


next chapter will be when the gameshow starts. get ready for some new youtuber relationships being brought in! pls follow my twitter (same username) for updates. i will also be doing a poll to help me with the upcoming chapter so please vote! x

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