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dan was sitting next to phil now, his heart quickening at what he just heard. it never occurred to him that this could have been a dream. his mind started to wander to a dark place, about his existence and whether that was all a dream, or if dreaming was reality? because if that was the case, dan never wanted to wake up.

he felt a sudden weight on his shoulder, and turned his head slightly to see phil leaning his head on his shoulder, his hair ticking dan's neck. he fought back a shiver for the sake of shaking phil off his shoulder. he hated anything touching his neck, but it seemed that he would make an exception for phil. he sighed, relaxing a little and decided it was probably time for them to go home.

"hey, phil?" dan nudged him a little, trying to lift his head of his shoulder so he could take him home, knowing he was probably incapable, being drunk and all. it would be the first time that dan would ever not walk back on his own, which tended to be a little scary for him since being in the dark wasn't exactly his favourite thing.

"phil?" dan frowned after realising phil was either asleep, or he had fainted. "phil, come on," he started to pat him, to see if he would wake up. he knew phil wasn't a heavy sleeper and so anything would wake him. and if not.. it meant that he did faint, which is probably why phil had his head on his shoulder. dan hauled himself up, and phil too, unlocking the door and dragging him him out and setting him down outside the toilet. because they had come to the party so late, there was only a couple more hours to go from then. and it looked like they were the last to leave.

dan found marcus, who was laid on his couch still drinking, channel surfing.

"oh hey man, forgot you were upstairs," he smiled a mischievous smile, which dan tried to ignore and smiled a faint smile back.

"uhh, my mate fainted in the bathroom," dan didn't look marcus in the eye, "do you mind if we stay the night?" he questioned.

"we?" marcus raised an eyebrow.

"i.. uh, want to just make sure he's okay," dan replied nervously, hoping he wasn't going to give anything away. marcus' smile only grew wider and nodded, leading him to the guest bedroom upstairs, helping dan lift phil onto the bed.

"you want your own room?" marcus offered, testing him. dan looked at phil on the bed, realising that the reason he was there, fainted was because he forced him to drink that whole bottle. he sighed and shook his head,

"no, i'll stay and-"

"what happened in there?" marcus interrupted him, not really caring as he watched dan gaze at phil which almost seemed longing.


"you heard me," marcus sighed, sitting on the sofa by the window. "come on, i won't judge,"

dan blushed, realising that whatever they did in the bathroom had to stay a secret. he was so confused tonight, he felt like he was a different person when he was around phil. phil made him feel something he forgot how to feel, and he didn't know how phil felt about the whole situation. he might even forget because he was so drunk.

"whatever man, you can tell me whenever, cos i would rather remember if you did something scandalous," marcus yawned, acknowledging he was drunk and getting up from the sofa and opening the cupboard to show dan there were extra blankets if he needed, but not really thinking he would need them. "by the way," marcus said, just before heading out of the room. "i know you're gay," and with that, he exited the room, shouting good night with a rather loud chuckle after closing the door behind him.

dan sighed, pacing up and down at what marcus just said. was it that obvious? he sat on the edge of the bed, not wanting to look at phil any longer, knowing it would make him feel worse, not realising that phil has woken up from his unconscious state in the last couple minutes of his one way conversation with marcus.

"dan, you're gay?"

yeah i know, it should have been obvious to phil but he's still a bit drunk and tired, and phil doesn't like to judge people so quickly like that.
(even tho they just made out)

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