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t h i r d   p e r s o n   p o v 

the next day, dan woke up the sound of something knock on the glass. franta studios was made of all glass, and even though he knew it was impossible for people to see them from the outside, he still felt insecure.

their room was big, and spacious, bigger than he had anticipated. there was one king-sized bed in the middle of the room, a spinning sofa in the corner, desk and chair in the other and an en-suite. dan would have slept well, the bed was extremely comfortable, but he couldn't help but think something was going to happen. something not very good.

phil was still asleep, snoring quietly into his pillow and dan crawled out from under the covers, trying not to wake his boyfriend. he was still not used to the fact they were together now. he will always be eternally grateful to marcus. he walked into the bathroom, washing his face and brushing his teeth before hopping into the shower, trying to calm his worrying thoughts. he wanted to do this for phil, it would be the ultimate test of their relationship, even though they had only been together for two months.

when he got out, his towel hanging loosely on his hips, he found phil awake, reaching for his glasses which were placed on the bed-side table.

"morning," dan said, which phil only turned, putting his glasses on and returning the greeting, blinking a few times to adjust to being able to see.

"couldn't sleep?" phil asked, his eyebrow raised, moving his pillow so he could lean on it comfortably. 

"not really, you?" dan said, opening his suitcase to find something to wear. they were so tired the day before, they hadn't had time to unpack yet. not that he had a lot to unpack.

"a little," he replied, getting out of bed and opening his suitcase. dan knew phil would want to make a good impression on their competition. dan, however would rather scout for their weaknesses to try and get them out sooner. he wondered who their biggest competition would be.

dan got dressed relatively quickly as phil went into the bathroom to wash up. with phil as his boyfriend now, he couldn't help but see phil subtly trying to add some colour into his wardrobe. he gave in rather quickly, after seeing the beautiful smile which phil presented to him the first time dan wore phil's shirt. and so he decided to go for a dark blue shirt. it may not be pastel-coloured, but he was working on not looking like a walking funeral all the time. 

phil came out of the bathroom in a blue and shirt, and white jeans, his flower crown and ditching his glasses. he smiled at dan as he put on his second black earring.

dan smiled, looking down at his shirt. how funny was it that they didn't even plan looking similar? he couldn't help but think they really were the perfect couple.

"what do you think? i thought maybe i can look into adding darker colours into my wardrobe."

dan only laughed, not used to seeing phil in such dark shades, even though his hair was jet black. even though phil always wore colour, this shirt wasn't the normal shade he would go for. it wasn't pale, or light in any way. he felt maybe he should work harder in adding darker shades, instead of just throwing on a shirt that is actually a stripe on the rainbow, but just lighter in shade.

"you look amazing. you always do."

he gave a light kiss on phil's cheek, who blushed at the gesture. his hand slipped into phil's before they existed their room, locking it and making their way to the hall. where they may see that they are not the only 'perfect couple.'


their hands clutched on each other's, the couple walked silently into the elevator, clicking the button to the very top floor, where a rooftop party was going to be held. as they walked out of the elevator, they were in no way ready for what they were about to see.

their eyes widened, and phil let go of dan's hand to clasp over his mouth in awe. the view was stunning. phil ran straight towards the side, looking at the beautiful view that was presented to him from the high building. dan however was a little more reluctant, taking small steps to join his lover.

"it's beautiful, isn't it?" a voice said from behind, and dan turned to see a blonde guy with glasses. he had a big smirk on his face, and beside him was a smaller boy which dan recalled he remembered seeing from somewhere.

"yeah, it's lovely." dan replied, looking at the two and acknowledging that they were going to be part of the show. he couldn't get himself to get any closer to the edge of the roof, so he just watched phil from behind. he thought the view was pretty but dan thought he was prettier.

phil had joined them now, introducing himself to the boys who were in front of him before a loud voice boomed through the speakers telling them to sit down in the middle where there were round sofa seats that made a couple, one for each couple. connor franta was in the middle, wearing a rather smart suit and has a microphone in his hand.

"and welcome to truth or dare!" he announced, introducing himself as the host. "thank you for tuning in to the first episode,"

dan looked at phil, who smiled widely and skipped towards the seat that had their names on it. dan followed quickly, sitting next to phil on the small sofa and wrapping his arm around his shoulder. he did not like the thought of this. they were not told that filming would start the next day after their arrival. phil took his coat of and put it gently on his lap, as a blanket. it was starting to get cold on the roof.

"this season we are looking for the cutest, closest couple. we've got a unique set of couples this year, some of them have been together for years, others months, some you may know, some you may not. because it is the tenth anniversary of our show, we have decided to have ten couples this year! who will be your favourite couple?"

connor smiled at the camera, the whole set completely dark except for a light on the host.

"let's meet the contestants."


next part we meet the other youtube couples! i'm so excited.

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