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(more of a filler so you can meet the contestants - will be a lot more dialogue in this chapter)

t h i r d   p e r s o n   p o v

"in the past nine years we are running this, we have decided to bring out - according to our recent twitter poll, your five favourite winners from previous years." connor flashed a smile at the camera that almost looked... mischevious. "yes, it means the newer couples will have a harder chance to win... but that's how it should be."

the host walked up to the first couple, a light suddenly on them so the camera crew, and the rest of the couples could see who they were. dan and phil looked at each other, recognising the two boys they had met just before they were called to their seats.

"lets welcome, last year's winner - tyler oakley and troye sivan!" connor said, shaking both of their hands and congratulating them on their win. "how does it feel to be back?"

the boy, who had bright purple hair and black glasses known as tyler took the mic that was handed one to him. he took a deep breath.

"last year was a terrifying experience i think i could say for the both of us," he looked at troye who nodded in agreement. "but we were able to stay together through thick and thin, even though others couldn't. we trusted each other and didn't let the game get to us, or get in between our relationship. but we are both glad to be back, and glad the audience loved us so much they wanted to bring us back."

connor nodded at the answer, moving on to the next couple. "next, we have one of our all-time favourites, the first ever winners of the game-show, zoë sugg and alfie deyes!"

the light flashed on the next couple, revealing a very pretty girl who gave a small wave to the camera. her partner, alfie had his arm wrapped around her in confidence.

"it's been nine years since you were on the show, has a lot changed?"

zoë answered this question, telling connor that a lot had changed - they now lived in a house together, a little black dog and if anything, the gameshow had brought them closer together. they had watched every single season since then, and that each one was better from the last.

connor moved swiftly to the next couple, dan making mental notes about what their competition looked like and attaching names to each person in his head, so not to forget. phil was smiling fondly at each person, seeing each of them as a potential new friend, seemingly to forget that for the next few months, these people were not here to be his friends.

"next we have pj ligouri and chris kendall!" the light once again shone on the couple, so now there were three lights to show the couples who have been shown and connor, who's light moved around to follow him. "they won two years ago, and they haven't changed a bit,"

pj and chris spoke fondly about each other and their relationship growing stronger after the show, saying they even met a few friends on the way. they weren't going to forget the experience soon. phil felt dan give a little gasp under his breath, muttering what seemed to be a swear word. he looked at him, confused and asked if he was okay.

"i-i'm fine," he whispered, not keeping his eyes off the couple that connor just introduced. phil looked at them too, was there something wrong with them? does dan feel that they would be their biggest competition? phil didn't understand, but he but was soon distracted by connor moving to the next couple.

"liza koshy and david dobrik!" connor shouted. the couple smiled and phil noticed this couple was cooler than the lot, their styles different. they both wore matching caps, liza with her ponytail sticking out from the hole in the back, and matching black adidas trainers. david gave a gentle peck on liza's cheek before talking into the mic, his voice cheerful and projecting no problem.

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