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it was the next morning and phil woke up first, seeing dan still asleep. it wasn't surprising to phil, not only did dan have a long journey but phil didn't really see dan as a morning person. phil looked over to dan's side of the room. it was a complete contrast to his side. his covers black, he had no pictures of his family, no stuff plushies, only posters of what seemed to him bands he had never heard of before. phil sighed, watching as dan snored and couldn't help but see beauty in dan's face. under all that hardness, phil believed that inside the boy was broken and that he was shielding something that maybe hurt him. dan needed some sort of protection which is why he is like this now.

"take a picture, it will last longer,"

phil turned away, feeling a blush creep on his face as he realised dan had woken up. 

"umm... good morning, did you sleep well?" phil asked, ignoring what dan had just said. he must have caught him staring, but he made sure not to look any further down, praying that he was wearing something to cover his bottom half. phil had slept before dan and so he didn't know how he slept or if he wore pyjamas. dan only smirked, his head now resting on his hand so that phil could see that he wasn't wearing a top.

"i did, thank you." dan replied as phil looked away, deciding to get up and get changed. he stood up, phil relieved that he was indeed wearing trousers and headed to the bathroom.

"uhh... dan?" phil said just before dan got to the door. he turned, confused and raised an eyebrow. "i-i was wondering if you want to grab breakfast? i know a palce down in-" phil stopped, as dan chuckled. phil felt his cheeks grow hot as he realised how dumb the idea was. why would this guy want to go out for a meal with him? as he waited, he started to giggle himself at the idea. this was the first time they had shared a laugh together, and phil loved dan's laugh.

dan smiled, looking at phil as he was now laughing along with him, except his laugh was cute and giggly. dan saw the innocence in phil, it was almost as if he needed to be protected. phil let out an adorable snort where he clasped his hands over his mouth, as he stopped laughing in embarrassment. dan only started laughing again, even louder this time and nodded.

"i would love to go out for breakfast," he smiled, a genuine smile. what could go wrong? maybe being his room-mate wasn't going to be so bad. dan went into the bathroom and had a shower, not being able to get rid of the smile the whole time as he remembered phil's snort as he laughed. he got out of the shower, entering the room with the towel covering only his crotch. phil was now in a lilac t-shirt and baby-blue dungarees, and dan noticed that phil had ditched the flower crown. he was sorting out his hair in the mirror and when he caught glimpse of dan he made a little gasp, which dan only grinned and started to get changed, deciding on a navy top and his blacked ripped jeans.

they were ready.

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