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phil felt disgusting. he had enjoyed eating that pancake, he would admit but he had never enjoyed eating a pancake as much as he did with dan. phil was sure dan had ruined the place for him, but now he wasn't so sure. his tummy ached, as he was used to eating slow and small bites and he could feel his face feel sticky from all the maple syrup. dan was walking beside him, his hands in his pockets, whistling with no care in the world.

phil looked at him. he couldn't but admire dan. he was willing to sacrifice any dignity he had and had never seen someone eat something so recklessly before. pretty much the whole restaurant was watching him. why was it that dan could persuade phil to do the same? phil always felt scared in public. although he didn't care too much about what people thought of him, it still stung to know that people thought he was so different that they had to talk about him behind his back. to phil, different was good. he was misjudged a lot for being different, but although he tried not to care, he didn't like it. no, he hated it.

suddenly, phil was being dragged back and he fell over, landing on his back. he was weak and that single pull had him sat on the frozen London pavement, his bum cold.

"shit," dan wwore, holding out his hand, lifting phil up from the ground. dan's hands were hard to touch, rough like his personality where-as phil's was soft and tender, smooth like a baby's bottom. dan had never touched one of course, but it would be what he felt it would feel like. phil could tell that dan was not someone to moisturise, feeling the cracks on dan's hands.

"don't scare me like that man," dan said, frowning. "you almost got yourself killed,"

phil's mind had drifted so far that he had come away from the reality. Phil has almost been hit by a double decker bus.

"i-i'm sorry," he whispered, making the connection that dan has saved him from being so careless.

"thank you would be nice," dan mumbled back, rolling his eyes. "i saved your a- well maybe not your ass, your ass is probably freezing,"

phil couldn't help but laugh at this, a smile forming on his face. he started to laugh, not because dan said ass, but because his ass was cold, and wet from the rain. although he tried to hide it, phil could see from the corner of his mouth that dan was trying not to laugh too. but eventually, he did. 

dan didn't know why Phil was laughing. he assumed it was because he said ass.

'so immature,' he thought to himself. he didn't see phil as the type to laugh at something a child would laugh at. but when phil laughed, he had the urge to as well. he couldn't help it.

"what were you thinking about anyways? you must have been deep in thought if you were able to be that reckless," dan asked, his laughter stopped as he looked over at phil as he opened the door to their hall room.

"i, uhh..." phil started. dan noticed phil's cheeks, although as pale as the white ceiling, had some colour in it. he was blushing, or was it from the cold air outside? dan couldn't tell.

"it was nothing," phil muttered, "just umm..."

"use your words man," dan have him a shove, phil landing on his bed. he looked up at him, startled.

"shit, i keep forgetting how weak you are," he held out his hand, once again helping phil up. 

"i can't even remember now," phil said, and went into the bathroom. dan knew phil was lying but he decided not to push the fragile boy. he frowned, shrugged his shoulders and sat on his bed, muttering to himself.

"here, this is a present for saving my a... bum out there," phil said, unwilling to say the word 'ass', which dan wanted to so badly mock, but for some reason couldn't. dan looked at phil's hands which opened widely. it was a new, unopened hand cream. dan looked at him confused.

"so next time, when you save my bum, you'll have softer hands when you touch mine,"

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