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phil followed dan, skipping happily beside dan who had to told him multiple times to stop prancing like an excited pony which only made him shiver.

"i hate horses, they terrify me," phil said.

"you're scared of horses?" dan started to laugh, "why?"

"i don't trust their feet," phil replied, but he kept skipping anyways, because he was in a good mood. he always was. when he was with dan. 

"we're here," dan said, and phil frowned. this was not the cute cafe he was hoping to see. as they walked in, phil saw as children played arcade games and others bowling. right in the middle, was a food court. dan led the way and found a table.

"what do you want in your burger?" dan asked, smiling at phil's horrified face.

"i... uh..." phil gulped, taking out a tissue out of his pocket and wiping the seat before sitting down.

"come on you must eat burgers," dan gave him a light punch in the arm. he had learned his lesson the first time he saved him from that bus.

"not like that," phil whispered, staring at the kid with their greasy fingers eating the burger which was dripping of oil.

dan only laughed and went up to order. phil felt very uncomfortable, tapping the table uncontrollably, dan coming back ten minutes later with a tray, with two burgers and two milkshakes.

"i know how much you love your milkshake," he said, smiling as he handed over one to phil. phil could only nod and he felt like he started blushing to the fact that dan actually remembered what kind of milkshake he liked. 

"thanks," he mumbled and started to drink the milkshake.

"wanna play a game of truth or dare?" dan asked. Phil smiled at the familiar words of the game. it was just like the first time they went out.

"i dare you to eat that burger," dan smiled wickedly as phil was brave enough to pick dare. phil exchanged a smile and gave in.

"fine," he said, looking at it hesitantly before taking a massive bite of the burger, his eyes glowing as he suddenly experienced the enjoyment that was on the children's faces when they ate the it.

dan frowned suddenly, "you were meant to suffer."

this made phil laugh, laughing so hard that started to choke as he ate the burger, making dan laugh as Phil chocked and struggling to swallow.

"my turn now, i pick dare too," dan said, patting Phil's back and handing Phil a napkin so he could spit it out. phil spat out the burger with the napkin and wiped his mouth with another, drinking some of his milkshake and took a deep breath.

"I dare you to play that game against me," phil pointed behind him and dan looked over and started to laugh.

"how is that a dare?" dan chuckled, raising an eyebrow as he looked over at the arcade game where two kids had just finished playing.

"because you have to beat me."

"you've never been here," dan frowned, seeing that phil was serious. 

"and that's why it'll be fun,"

phil's smile grew larger and dan gave in. he couldn't say no to that smile. who could? they headed over to the game and phil took a coin out of his pocket and slipped it in.

"you know this is a shooting game right?" dan looked at the innocent boy, and he looked back at dan, his eyes glowing as he exchanged a smile.

"i do now," he replied.

dan laughed and handed him over the gun they were supposed to use to play the game. the game detected their movements and phil was surprisingly good at it, managing to shoot with consistency, hitting just about every target.

"best of three?" dan said half way, losing the first game with a frown. phil nodded, obviously pleased with himself and he obviously didn't realise that he was so good at it. dan didn't either, but he wasn't going to give up. he was not going to lose to the pastel kid who had never even played this game before.

dan won the next round, and he sighed with relief that he could still win. phil was still smiling, although he lost and congratulated him. dan wanted to brag with glory but couldn't bring himself to do it. phil was being such a sportsman, or maybe he was faking it so he could win the next round. he couldn't tell. he brushed it off and got ready to play the next round. phil slipped another coin into the machine and waited for it to load.

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