Chapter 71 A Boring, Normal, Date

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Chapter 71

Katniss Pov.

"It's Peeta! He told the security guard." I tell Cato as we still run, we're kinda used to it.

"He's such a little,"

"Cato! Escalator!" We run up the moving stairs. I find a shop selling accessories. "Cato, come in here."

I pull him in the shop. I tell him to buy us hats and glasses. We get a pair of glasses with some baseball styled hats. Mine is green and his is dark blue. We wear them with the glasses. We walk around the mall peacefully, security guards see us and don't even suspect us.

He walks me home but takes the little alley way so that we end up in front of my room. Before I climb in I see my mom standing in it.

"Cato! Don't go!" I catch up with him. "She's inside."

"Follow me," he walks me to Johanna's house. "Aren't her parents out of town?"

I nod. I ring the doorbell and she answers.

"Could I sleep over?" I ask.

"Yea, snuck out again?" she asks and I nod. "Come in, I have a date with Gale but you can stay here."


"Cato you can come in if you want, just don't make a mess." she tells us.

"I can stay for awhile." he says.

We go inside and watch Netflix. This is the probably the most boring but most normal date we've had. He seems to be enjoying it, having a normal date. But I'm not having that much fun, I like the excitement of it all.

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