Chapter 5 That's What She Said

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Chapter 5

Annie Pov.

What? Cato? Ewww. Cato and Kitty have gone to school together since kindergarten I wonder how long she's liked him. I wonder if they went out. I look at Peeta who looks like he wants to cry.

"That's what she said." Finn says and we all laugh except Peeta.

Peeta looks at his iPhone with an orange and white case. "Guys I gotta go, I'm gonna get in trouble with my mom I told her I'd be back by ten and it's ten twenty."

"Awww!" everyone groans.

"Bye guys." he walks out the door. He has to walk at least a mile and I know the real reason he's leaving. He likes Kitty.

"Cato? Really?" I ask.

"It happened in sixth grade." Kitty starts. "Cato and I were assigned partners and we got a long really well. We hung out after that and I didn't tell you guys. And he kind of..."

"What? Kind of what?" Jojo asks at the edge of her seat.

"He asked me out a few days ago and I said yes, we're hanging out on Saturday." Kitty confesses.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Finn asks.

"You guys don't get along with Cato's friends and I thought you guys would be mad at me." Kitty says honestly.

"We're still gonna be your friends even if we think you're making a mistake." Fox tells her supportively.

"Thanks guys. I feel bad because I guess it's true that Peeta likes me."

"Yea we're gonna have to figure something out, find him someone else or something." T says.

By the end of the night, Fox asked T out and he said yes. I think Jojo and Gale should go out but they're both too stubborn to admit they like each other. Finn walks me home.

"Ann, I've liked you since seventh grade." He tells me.

"I've liked you since sixth." I tell him.

He smiles. "You got me beat."

I walk inside, I'm glad we're finally together.

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