Chapter 16 Johanna's Birthday Part 1

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Chapter 16

Gale Pov.

Everything seems to be okay now. Finnick told Annie that he loved her, she said she loved him. I get into math with Jojo, Fox, and Annie.

"Hey Jojo." I say with a smile and sit next to her.

"Hi Gale." She says with a smile back. "Do you know what today is?"

"Um... hmm." I think and Annie helps me when she mouths 'birthday' to me. "It's your birthday, happy birthday!"

"You remembered?" she asks surprised at my 'memory'.

"How could I forget? Will you let me take you to a birthday dinner?" I ask.

"Sure." she smiles and hugs me.

"Thank you." I whisper to Annie.

She nods her head. We get to lunch after a couple of more classes and everyone says, "Happy birthday Jojo!"

"Thanks guys." she thanks everyone.

When school gets out, we all go to the mall for Jojo's birthday. We hang out and she shows Katniss the bracelet that she wants from Tiffany's. I want to get it for her, but I'm not very rich and Tiffany's is pretty expensive. They walk away and I look at how much it is. $299 for the bracelet, and the charms are $30 each. Yea that's not gonna happen. I don't want to sound cheap, but I can't afford that. I have two part time jobs that the rest of my friends don't even know about. I need to give my family the money though, we need it. I have two little brothers and one little sister. My dad died because he was in the military like Katniss's, my mom works like crazy and takes care of four kids. I can't go off and spend four hundred dollars on a bracelet right now. I look in my wallet and see thirty bucks.

"Gale we were going to go watch a movie." Jojo says.

"Could we go in thirty minutes?" I ask.

"Sure... I don't know why though." she says. "The girls and I are gonna go to Starbucks."

"Ok." the guys walk over.

"So where's your present?" Finnick asks.

"I need to go get one." I reply shortly he's so sarcastic sometimes.

"Yea, I figured." he laughs sarcastically. Sometimes, I think he wants to start fights.

"Gale you know a good store is JcPenny's, they have a whole jewelry department that's not expensive." Peeta tells me.

"How do you know?" I ask sarcastically.

"Let's just say I had to pick up a certain gift for someone." I smile knowing that he's talking about Katniss.

I walk in and Peeta shows me to the jewelry department. I look around.

"How about this one?" Peeta asks. He points to a bracelet with different charms. The bracelet is similar to the one from Tiffany's. It's silver, and you put different charms on it. This one is $10.

"It's perfect, but what charms should I get?" I ask.

"You should choose. Get a soccer ball, she plays soccer, get a heart maybe." he suggests.

"Ok. Excuse me?" I ask the lady.

"Can I help you sir?" she asks.

"Yes, could I get the silver charm bracelet with the soccer charm, the heart, and the letter G?" I ask.

"Of course, would you like that in a box?" she asks.

"Yes please." I say.

"Ok, I'll set up the bracelet and ring you up over here." she tells me. I walk over to the cash register.

She shows it to me to make sure I like it and I tell her that it's good. It only costs me twenty five dollars. Ten dollars for the bracelet, five dollars for each charm. I still got five bucks left.

"Thanks for helping me Peeta. I'm really bad at this kind of thing." I thank him.

"No problem." we walk to the movie theatre and I realize, how am I going to pay for my ticket?

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