Chapter 31 Because I'm Happy!

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Chapter 31

Johanna Pov.

Yesterday, I got a text from Annie saying that Katniss dumped Peeta because he told her that she wasn't allowed to hang out with Cato. Annie and I were upset because they are perfect for each other. Then like six minutes later, they got back together. I don't know how it happened. I guess they couldn't go a couple of minutes without being together, which is actually really cute. I'm glad they're back together because Katniss is my best friend and I know how happy she is with Peeta. I drove with Gale and T to school. Finnick and Annie pull up.

"Hey guys!" I say and wave.

"Hey! Can you believe what happened yesterday?" Annie asks.

"Nope, but I knew them not being together wouldn't last long." I tell her.

She smiles, "Could you imagine what it would be like if they broke up?"

We all shake our heads no. Katniss and Peeta are just meant to be. They pull up in Peeta's car. Katniss has a huge smile on her face, she never smiles so big.

"Hey!" She yells.

"Hey!" We all yell back.

Peeta gets out of the car and opens the door for her, she blushes a little. "Thanks."

"Anything for you." he smiles and she kisses his cheek.

"Aww, I'm so glad you guys didn't break up permanently." I say.

"Who told you we broke up?" Peeta asks.

"Annie." I point to her.

They look at her, "Finnick." she points to him.

"Peeta." Finnick points to Peeta and we all laugh because we all told on each other.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Gale asks and points to himself and T.

"I feel so left out." T fake cries and we laugh.

"Next time we'll tell you." Katniss says and laughs more, she's so happy.

The rest of the day is so fun because of how happy every one is. I wonder what Peeta said that made her so happy. I wonder if they're going to tell us. Maybe I'll ask Katniss, but it's not really my business. Gale drives T home and then me. I fall asleep.

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