"Listen, I know I originally told you that relationships between competitors were strictly prohibited," Simon started, "but I know there's something going on between you two, and I think it could actually be good for both of your groups."

I rolled my eyes, already familiar with that conversation, and shifted my weight to one foot, placing my hand on my hip and waiting to hear his explanation.

"I'm sure you already know where I'm coming from. I imagine if you're together both of your groups will stay around a lot longer, and as you can expect I'm perfectly okay with that considering you're both on my team," he continued. "I'll allow you to date, but only on one condition."

"Let me guess, no PDA, no kissing on camera or sneaking around after hours, we get it," Keaton huffed.

"Actually, quite the opposite," Simon smirked.

I immediately stood up straight, my eyes growing wide and my heart beating extraordinarily fast at the unexpected turn that the conversation had taken.

"I actually need you two to spend more time together," he explained. "Make sure the public knows that you're together. Hold hands, kiss on camera, go on dates. Draw attention to yourselves. Be so in love that people can't stand it."

"I don't know if that's a good idea," I argued. "I mean, I don't have time, nor do I even want to sneak around since I'm with..."

I trailed off, remembering that Simon didn't know about my relationship with Camila and trying to think of any excuse not to hang out with Keaton on a daily basis. He was my friend, sure, but I had bigger priorities.

"It's just...the music. I don't want anything to get in the way of the music. I'm perfectly happy...uh, dating him without all the publicity. I don't want it to be too much," I lied.

"Well, think about it this way," Simon countered. "I hate to be brutally honest, but only one of your groups can win. After that, there's a good chance you'll never talk to each other again anyway, so why not build up a fan base now and get as far as possible while you have an opportunity?"

"What do you need us to do?" Keaton asked dryly.

I spun around to glare at him but he avoided my gaze. How could he agree to something that he knew I wanted no part in?

"Go on a date tonight after the show. Paparazzi will be everywhere. Let them see you leaving the venue and ask for pictures, and when they ask if you're dating, say yes. Get your names out there," Simon instructed.

"I...I don't know if I'm ready for that," I stuttered, the thought of Camila sleeping alone while I was out with Keaton proving to be much more nerve wracking than facing the paparazzi for the first time.

"We'll do it," Keaton decided, shaking Simon's hand and causing my blood to boil.

Keaton walked away and joined the guys for their interview, leaving me with a million things to say but unable to say any of them.

"What was that all about?" Dinah asked once I was back in the group.

"Nothing," I lied, unable to speak the truth in front of Camila.

I glanced at Keaton, his subtle dimples flashing as he smiled with his bandmates. I had mixed feelings about the whole situation. He was cute and we got along, so it shouldn't have been that hard to act like we were together, but I was still worried that my fake relationship with him would drive a wedge between me and Camila. Still, Simon and Wes both had valid points. Dating was the perfect way to get our names out there, and the more well known we became, the more votes we would receive. Despite the logical part of my brain telling me that it wasn't such a bad idea, I was still infuriated by the fact that Simon didn't think highly enough of us to advance in the competition based purely on talent, and instead wanted us to shove our "relationship" down the public's throat for publicity. After all, I auditioned for The X Factor to become a singer, not an actress.

Should Have Known (Camren)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن