The Promise

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Harris was being led to his cell by a correctional officer as he carried his clothes and toiletries the Correctional Officer lightly pushed him inside and shut the cell door.

Harris looked around the tight space the metal toilet without walls, the rusty metallic bunk bed with flat, uncomfortable looking mattresses on them and cracks on the dull blue walls. Harris felt disgust as he saw two black and brown roaches in the corner of the ceiling. Harris dropped his things, as he felt the walls closing in on him more and more about to crush him to death. Harris broke in a sweat and heaved in and out.

"Hey. Hey!"

"Huh!?" Harris said.

A tall, broad shouldered, stocky man with a brown beard and beak-like nose stood a head above Harris stood in front of him.

"You better not do that where anyone else can see you. They'll eat you alive." He said sitting back down.

Harris picked up his things, piled them on his bed and struggled to hop onto the bunk.

Harris began to silently weep to himself. And his cellmate said "Could you keep it down?"

Harris suppressed his sobs and as a result his body jolted.

Garrison helped a drunken Harris from a raucous party turned his head away from him and said "God Harris! You smell like a brewery!"

"It's a-it's a-I can still waaa-" Harris could barely manage to speak.

"You seriously need to stop drinking." Garrison said.

Harris stumbled away from Garrison digging in his pocket for his keys Harris turned his head to the right and casually vomited on the stone pathway.

Garrison immediately smelled the vile odor of the bile and took care in avoiding to step on it.

Harris jabbed his car door with his keys 6 times until it finally went inside the keyhole.

Garrison got inside the passenger side and said "Why don't you let me drive? You are wasted.

"You were...drinking too. I done this before I can drive this..." Harris slurred.

Harris started the car and pulled out of the spot but drove atop the car causing the pair two jolt.

"Harris!" Garrison shouted.

"It was mistake!" Harris said driving off the curb and into the street.

Harris was swerving down the road he drove down making Garrison nervous.

"Harris!" Garrison said.

"Whaat!?" Harris said.

"Stop the damn car, I'm walking." Garrison said.

"Why w-we're almost home?" Harris said.

"Harris stop the fucking car!" Garrison said.

"No! I'm drivin!" Harris said.

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