Convenient Blactivist

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Jermaine in the Media above

Amir was digging around in his closet and dug out a couple signs one reading "Black Lives Matter" and the other reading "Not my President." Beneath that sign it was a picture of a Cheeto wearing a Trump wig. "Time to celebrate Black History! For one month." Amir muttered.

"Kenny! Let's go!" Amir shouted.

Kenny stomped to Amir's doorway and whined "Why do I have to go?"

"Because your a black man and now's as good as time as any to start to fight for equality and justice." Amir said handing Kenny the Not my President sign.

"But I'm a little kid I'm 11!" Kenny complained.

"Timir was 12, Aiyana Jones was 7 and asleep, Kodi Gaines was 5 want me to go younger?" Amir asked.

"How about that white kid from Louisiana? Wasn't he autistic or something?" Kenny asked.

"I'm not focusing on one lil white kid over the thousands and thousands of our black brothers and sisters gunned down. Trust me, his people got him." Amir said.

Amir went downstairs followed by an agitated Kenny and Kenya said "Aww look at my men." Kenya grabbed Amir's collar and she said "Let me tell you something, if the Police start macing people you bring your behind and my baby home. If something happens to you or him I'm getting a rocket launcher and shooting the first police department I see." Kenya kissed Amir's cheek and Kenny's and said "I love you both."

"I love you more mom." Amir said.

"I love you too." Kenny mumbled.

Amir and Kenny met-up with Jermaine in the city "W-w-wassup Amir." He said dapping Amir. "Wassup K-Ken."
Kenny didn't say anything and dragged the sign past Amir and Jermaine.

"W-w-what's wrong with h-him?" Jermaine asked.

"He's too lazy to fight for the cause." Amir said.

"I-I-I am too, s-shit. I think I lost 2 pounds with all this m-marching." Jermaine said.

"We all should be marching on Washington, to the White House make Trump resign, and demand better for black people how long we gonna march?" Amir grumbled.

"Y-y-yo l-l-lighten up." Jermaine said.

"No. I'm not gonna lighten up I'm an angry black man and everybody needs to be angry we're born into a fucking set-up!" Amir said.

"D-d-don't go all H-h-hotep on me!" Jermaine said.

"And don't call me that! Those problematic, misogynistic, idiotic, homophobic assholes. You know what Hoteps really want? A black patriarchy. Black women lose in that scenario too." Amir said.

"D-d-don't cuss m-me out nigga damn!" Jermaine said.

"Sorry, I just get mad about this shit and you know since Obama gone what little leniency the cops had when we marching that shit's hopping out the damn window." Amir said.

"Yeah m-m-my mom s-said something l-l-like that back in January." Jermaine said.

"Well she knew what she was talking about." Amir said walking towards the crowd of protestors.

As Amir, Jermaine and Kenny dragging his feet along walking along the crowd of protestors Amir eyes happened to fall upon an interracial couple holding hands a white man and black woman Amir rolled his eyes and mumbled to himself. Amir seen a familiar head of thick curly hair and smoke coming from it, standing in front of a restaurant.

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