Something Amiss

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Amir and sat alone on the floor of a small, dirty room. The walls were a dull, dirty brown and the walls had several small cracks on them the lights in the ceiling were blinking on and off and as they were some of the loose wires sparked, Amir twisted his face in disgust as he saw a large cockroach crawl past him, his lip busted from when one of the goons punched him in his mouth. "How the fuck did it get this far?" Amir said.

The locked door flew open and the man that punched Amir said "Get up nigga."

Amir stood up and the man pushed Amir out of the room and he said "Damn! I said I was coming! Shit, nigga you cappin!"

The man kicked Amir to the floor making his face hit the dirty wooden, broken floor the man walked past him opening the door ahead of them. Amir stood up and saw a brown skinned black man standing in the middle of a somewhat dark yet still visible room with a coating of dust on the broken and aged furniture, white walls and broken windows with cracked, dusty blinds.

The man was wearing a charcoal gray suit, close cut hair, neatly trimmed beard, high cheekbones, a large and broad nose, a big mouth with pink lips, square jaw, long, bony fingers, a strong chin two and Diamond studs in his ears, Amir recognized the man as Garrison Monroe. Amir also saw the two other men who brought him here as well as Harris cowering in a corner.

"Good evening Mr.Davis." Garrison said in a unusually peppy tone.

Amir recognized him as Garrison Monroe C.E.O of the Monroe Corporation and just stared at him.

"You can't speak? Tommy did you punch him in his throat too?" Garrison said.

"No." Tommy said.

"Tommy make him talk." Garrison said.

Tommy punched Amir in his cheek making him hit the ground. Amir didn't make a sound other than when he hit the filthy, dusty floor. Tommy kicked and stomped Amir, Amir grunted to himself and refused to yield. Monroe dipped his head at another goon and the two of them proceeded stomp Amir together. Amir growled and grunted but refused to cry out.

"Stop!" Garrison boomed.

The two men stopped and backed away from a bruised and bleeding Amir. Garrison squatted in front of Amir grinning "You a tough lil nigga aren't ya?" He laughed.

"So Amir? My employee over there Harris, says you have my property." He laughed, pointing at Harris. "Now I'm asking you directly Man-to-Man where is my flashdrive?" Garrison said.

"It-It's up your pussy b-bitch." Amir spitting blood in his face.

Garrison laughed once more and said "You are something boy, I'll ask if your mother if she knows, seeing as how she was a legal secretary turned paralegal that works at Sidley Austin. Right Harris!?"

"Y-yes! Mr.Monroe." Harris said.

(Now I know who's running the show.) Amir thought.

"Now I already killed your little boyfriend." One of Garrison's men chuckled and Garrison jerked his head at him with the same calm expression on his face.
The other goon silenced himself and Garrison continued "It's up to you Amir does mom have die next?"

"Ok!" Amir coughed out "Ok it's at m-my house."

Garrison stared at Amir and said. "Hm how do you feel Amir? Honestly I'd like to know."

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