Tyler, you asshole👀😡

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Lilly's Pov 💙

Lilly wakes up, with frimzy next to her.. she looks down.. see's she is still in her dress. 😂

I start to get up.. but Frimzy grabbs me back.. causing me fall back.. into he's arm..

I get attacked with kisses.. all over my face.. then we hear flower & rosa come downstairs..

Rosa looks at us... smirking 😏.
Flower jumped on us, love you guys..

They eat breakfast & get ready for school.

They get dressed & head to school.

They walk into the hallway... they see Tyler yelling & its Scarlett ..

Tyler-- you're a lesbian? How could you be a lesbian? Am i not good enough?

Scarlett_ Yes. I love Ally💙.
She is my best friend..  she cares about me. Unlike you. You asshole. Remember you cheated on me with Rachel? The cheerleader 🤢.

Scarlett turns & grabbs Ally's hand.. walk into math class..

Lilly & Frimzy just look at each other...
Shrug, smile. Go to their lockers..

Lilly starts to feel sick..
(Oh no.. she isnt .... preg-) snapped out of her thiughts.

Come on Lilly let get going.💙
Frimzy says...

Lilly just smiles... 💙

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