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Lily's Pov

I wake up, wash my face. Brush my teeth. Have to hurry up.. running late.. for school.. quick shower, head downstairs grab 🍼🍎🍊. Head out.. truck isn't working...

I notice... something is wrong.. i look up.. its raining.. pretty bad.. i go get my heavyweight raincoat (that Frimzy bought me) ... put it on, walk to school.. i hate walking in the rain...

Then i see frimzy in he's car.. he pulls up, stops the car, gets out... stands next me..

Frimzy & Lily❤️
Frimzyy_, good morning lily. How are you today?
Lily_ Im good.. just walking to school, my truck isn't working..😪
Frimzy _come on, lets go.. we don't want have to detention again.😂
Lily _ ok..🙂

They get to school....
Science class.
Frimzy & Lilly are partnered up, and they have to do some csi kind of stuff... science stuff

Then its lunch time..
Lily walks to her locker.. have to put a book away.. and she see's something surprising....😱😭

It's Emma... she is kissing & all over another girl.. and she looking at me, while smirking..

I just stand there. Shocked. Sad. Angry.. all the emotions come to the surface... i look at Emma, she eyes are lustful. I feel sick 🤢

I then see Emma turn to Scarlet , ( we have her in photography Class, and she is so pretty, so I shouldn't be surprised).. Emma slowly licks & bites her lips, (just knowing that's my thing.) Emma kissed Scarlet .. then walked away..

I just stand there with my mouth wide open... i slide down the lockers.. bring my knees to my chest, start to cry.. i just feel sick to my stomach... i just in my own thoughts...

As i was in my own thoughts... I felt somebody touch my shoulder.. and say something..

Then it happened again, but harder.. I finally lifted my head, my hoodie in the way, my glasses are foggy, my hair a complete mess..😫😪.. I lifted my head, put my hands under my chin, resting them on my leg.. i thought it was Frimzy... but it was someone completely new..👀

Sebastian_ hello, uh.. ma'am.. are you alright ? I see a girl i never saw, crying... i bend over.. and get eye level with her.. touch her shoulder, and say.. are you ok? With a smile😀

Lily.._ i hear a boy.. and he has a British accent 😍. I look up.. and he's handsome😍. Jesus. He has tattoo's, and lip piercing, oh lord.😍. I look up.. i say im fine.. yes. Thanks for asking.. ... but tears are coming down still..😭😭

Seb_ no, you're not.. fine.. well I'm Sebastian, I'm new here.. i just saw you crying, i wanted to see if i could help you.. so here i am. YoUr Prince Charming😉.

Lily _ i get up, I'm fine. Thanks.. I'm lily. Nice to meet you.. i just get pulled into a hug, and man... he's a great hugger😍😍🙂.. So then i saw i gotta go.. i have to go eat lunch.. catch you around..

I put stuff in my locker, lock it. Head for cafeteria...
I see Emma & Frimzy... oh man.. i cant be here.. no..

I get my food quickly.. and i start heading out, to eat outside..

Lilly walks outside, runs into sebby. They just go to the courtyard & eat lunch..
Lilly actually has a nice talk with sebby..

Frimzy❤Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz