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Lily's Pov 💙
I woke up.. its 7:30am.. I'm late.. i get up.. i get Cody up, & tell him to get dressed & brush he's teeth, go downstairs, & i go Wash face & brush my teeth... & no time for a shower, i hear Frimzy yelling "hurry up Lilly!!"💙😂
And i hurry up & get dressed... so its Monday.. Cody is downstairs with frimzy, & everyone.. Of course I'm always the last one downstairs 😂. So i try to hurry up, I decided to wear a long 🌻 dress.. & as i was trying to run downstairs.. as the way out the door, I fall, its the shoes fault..
I decided to wear high heels..😂😂.. so i try to play it off..

Downstairs 👀
Cody & Flower, are eating 🥞🥞.. Rosa made us breakfast.. i. Thank her.. but i said i gotta get cody to school.. i start to walk towards cody.. he's still eating he's breakfast, i say... cody hurry up. We are late again.. the principal is gunna kill me if your late again.. Come on Cody., i say that trying to grab he's hand, but he's starting to run & laugh .. he is still little.. doesn't understand that much.. i just sighed 😪.. I'm not in the mood today.. i look @ Frimzy.. & everyone is laughing at me..

Frimzy_ Lily, its ok.. let him finished he's breakfast, come on.. I grab Lily's hands, making her stop wat she is doing, turn to me.. i say in my serious voice, "lily come on. Sit down & eat with us. Its ok. You can be late another day. Now sit."😬.

Lily _i get grabbed, its Frimzy.. i stop going after Cody & turn to Frimzy... seeing wat he wants.. i look at him.. annoyed.. cody can be a little bad in the ass sometimes.. not listening to me😝. So i hear Frimzy talk.. blah blah.. i just sighed, and i sit down.. and eat breakfast.. 😜

So after breakfast, rosa said she will take Cody & Flower to school.. lily knows not to say no.. .. lily just nods & thanks her. Lily says bye to Cody, i love you💙 Cody says love you more💙

On the way to school 😝
Lily _So I'm in my own thoughts, looking at Frimzy's hands... Lost Soul Tattoo❤️❤️
Im still thinking how Frimzy & Rosa got those pictures done.. .. just thinking about random stuff.. hopefully Cody is gunna be ok.. does he like living with Frimzy? So Im looking out the window.. we are at a stop sign.. i see somebody fall on the floor.. its a girl, she is wearing some expensive clothes.. & she is wearing high heels... extra long blonde hair.. 5'7 tall... i just start to stare at her, ask myself, why is she walking in those stupid high heels.. then i look down, & noticed I'm wearing high heels too.. i laugh at myself..😂. Then i look up to Frimzy.. say Frimzy we have to help her.. can we plzs? I give him my puppy dog eyes 💙💙. It works. We stop.. we both get out... walk to the new girl.. she is all dirty & muddy.. (its like me all over again, I always fall into muddy/dirt). Haha💙😂.

Scarlet Pov 💙😛
So i cant believe that my parents toke my nice brand new car away. That i have to walk to school everyday until i bring my grades up.. urgh!!! Not fair.. so i just start walking, & ofcourse as i was half way.. i was on my phone, boom! I fall.. i fall face first into a huge muddy/dirty puddle.. I'm stuck, I'm wearing expensive clothes.. they are ruin. Im so pissed.. urgh!!
So i thought i was alone, no.. i hear someone coming.. i try to act like i did it on purpose.. i look up, see 2 people coming over, oh boy...

Lily _ hello.. are you ok? We saw you fall. Here let me help you.. its ok.. I'm lily btw. 🙂 i say.. i put my hands out for her to grab & pull her up, but of course.. you know what happened... i fall into the mudd😫😂.. so i just fall scarlet, oops💀.

Frimzy _ we get out of the car, walk to the new girl, & lily tries to help the girl out of the mudd.. but ofcourse lily falls into the mudd/dirt.. so yeAh. I start to take video of her.. haha. I sit back & i start laughing.. knowing that Lily's always falling 💙😂.

Scarlet _ So I'm sitting in the mud.. & i hear a girl talking to me, puts her hands out.. i grab her hands, but instead of pulling me up, she falls on me.. lily falls right on me, im laying down... & i can see that she's so beautiful, extra long brunette hair, glasses.. so i just play dumb.. 😏❤️.. Lily's looking @ me, she is blushing.. starts to say something... she is stuttering.. "Im so.. uh.. I'm... hi...".. she is blushing.. Aww how cute... i think every girl is attractive to me. Well Im a model, but I'm a huge flirt❤️😜. So i could move to new york & start my modeling stuff... I'm not surprised that girls / guys find me attractive..😏❤️

Lily _i fall onto scarlet, I'm on top her, im looking at her.. she has icy blue eyes💙. She has extremely long blonde hair, has lip piercings💋👅. . Im in my own thoughts... just staring @ her... then she bites her lips...❤️😛👅💦. I just blush,,, i move back, i just start to get embarrassed ... & then Frimzy grabs me up.. & grabs scarlet.... 😬😬

Frimzy_ god lily.. you always falling into mudd. Ha. What am i gunna do with you? I introduced myself to scarlet.. I'm Frimzy. Nice to meet you, & this is lily. She's always falling, dont mind her. I look @ lily, stick my 👅 out.. come on you guys. We are late for school.. get in scarlet, we can drive you to school..

At school 💙
Frimzy & Lilly say to scarlet that we will wait for her in the hallway...

Frimzy _i sit in the car, get my stuff in my backpack, lily is with me, we are talking, and i look up.. see Emma... oh boy.. she's back.. watch out! I thought..

Lily _I'm sitting in the car with frimzy, getting my stuff in my backpack , & i hear Frimzy talking about something.. homework or something.. Im not listening.. looking @ he's hands... I sighed 😪. Then i get punched in the arm, I snap out of my thoughts.. i say "ouch Frimzy, wats that -" cut off from Frimzy.. i look up.... i look @ Frimzy... he is worried..😬. I look up & i see what's going on... it's Emma... i just looked up, & saw Emma getting out of her car, she looks up @ me, gives me her famous 😉.
I quickly look away.. i cover my face, I'm blushing ☺️🙈.. Frimzy saw what happened, & he starts to say something... but i didn't listen.. I quickly get my stuff, run into the school... leaving Frimzy... i run into the school, to my locker & put my stuff away, & then i ran into the girls bathroom.... hide , i just start to cry.. i dont want anyone to know its the anniversary of my parents death.. its been 5 years..💙😭.. As i was crying, i heard someone come into the bathroom, I quickly get up, and run outside, and ofcourse i wasn't paying attention.. trying to go to the library, and i run into somebody.. i fall, my glasses fall off.. i just stay down, looking for my glasses.. i cant find them.. then i hear a craxk! Break! I cant believe it.. urgh!😪. I quickly get up, try to run.. but ofcourse i had high heels, so yeah trouble now....

Scarlet _I'm heading to the library.. trying to find some books to read.. as i was walking by the bathroom, a girl ran into me, making me fall. It's lily.. oh boy. Frimzy was right, she's always falling.. Soo i saw her glasses fall & broke.. i see her on the floor looking for them, i try to help.. i place my own glasses on the floor, & i grab them, i grab Lily's hands, stopping her, & i cupp her face.. say softly, "lily, its scarlet. Heyy its ok.. calm down.. its me scarlet." I say with a smile 😀.. i feel her shaking, i then push her mouth together.. making a 😗 face.. i say again.. "lily, its scarlet.. its ok. Calm down.. plzs.. here. Take this.." i place my old glasses on her.. i see she is staring at my💋👅 again..
And so i bite my lips 💋👅❤️

Lily _That hurt.. I'm on the floor looking for my glasses. I feel somebody grab my face, "Lily, its scarlet. Calm down," I just blush.. i try to escape, but she is holding my face.. making me stay where i am.. i just stare at her 💋👅 . Then i just come back to reality.. i just nod, she places glasses on me... i smile. Thank Her💙.

Then she wanted to play hide & seek.

After 20 minutes I thought I won.
She wouldn't find me, but ofc she did.
She got me cornered. I'm Shaking.
I don't have anywhere else to go.

She had caught me.

I was in trouble.

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