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Lily's Pov
So.. i guess i have everyone hitting on me.. dont ask me.. im just a girl with glasses, that blushes easily...  So here we go.. another long as day... torture..☠️☠️

So i wake up, i wash my face & brush my teeth.. i take a shower, i get dressed... i look next my, remembering that Cody & I are staying with frimzy for awhile... so i wake up cody, tell him to wash his face..& brush he's teeth..  i get dressed.. I decided on wearing a guns'n roses shirt.. long sleeve underneath, comfy black pants.. sneakers.. i bring a jacket.. i help Cody get dressed & bring him downstairs....

Rosa & Frimzy have made us breakfast..  So We all eat.. then rosa takes Flower & Cody to school..

At School...

Frimzy & Lily get to school..

Lily's thinking about something... not really paying attention to Frimzy... I'm staring down at he's tattoo... lost soul... daydreaming...

Frimzy _ i park the car in the school parking lot... i turn off the car, im talking about history class, how we have a huge test today... im looking @ lily... & i see she is staring @ my tattoo... not listening to me..

Lily _ i just have to pass the test.. that means that i could take Cody to places. So as im in my own thoughts.... im not realizing that Frimzy is trying to talk to me... oops..🙂.  I try to come back to reality... i feel Frimzy's hands on my shoulders... shaking me alittle. Waking me up. Ha💙. Im still staring at he's tattoo.. he see's that.. so he decides to cupp my face, talk to me that way..💙💙💙

Frimzy _i still see Lily's still staring at my hands... I lightly shake lily, telling her to wake up.. come back to earth. Ha💙. So that didn't work.. I decide to cupp her face, talk to her that way... so she can actually listen to me... i cupp Lily's face, making her look @ me.. i look into her chocolate brown eyes, i first say.. "lily, you're so beautiful today." I think we have a huge test today in history, are you ready for that? If. NOt, i got chu💙. I just give lily a kiss, pull her into a huge 🐻 hug. Then we get out of the car, walk to our lockers, put our stuff away.. then to class..

History Class
Pop quiz everyone! The sub said.

Frimzy & Lily are in the back of the classroom, Lily with her head down, waiting to sleep.. Frimzy just finishing He's & Lily's homework 😏😂.

Lilly falls asleep 💙

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