Drive to school

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Lily's Pov
I wake up. I get up, wash my face, brush my teeth & take a shower ... come back to my bed.. unlock my phone, and see i got a text from Emma 😌😩....

Emma & Lily
E- Emma
L- Lily

Emma- good morning mami, i hope you're ready for me in photography.. im ready 4 your fine ass..😋😋

Lily-yes morning Emma. I just woke up. Im getting dressed.. getting out of those clothes you bought me.. having an issue, its so damn tight. Lol. But yeah im ready for photography class, got a surprise for ye😏

Emma i cant wait .. im picking you up, be there 5 minutes.. 😛😛

Lily- oh i cant wait😉 bye💙

So i get out of the clothes that Emma bought me, she told me to wear them everyday, cause im not a fashion style yet.. but i guess i can try.

I get dressed, and i wear Frimzy's glasses, still have to thank him.❤️❤️❤️❤️

I get downstairs, hear a car wonk.. know that's Emma ✌🏼.

I open the door, Emma's waiting for me. I lock my door, head to the car, but see Emma outside, near the passenger door🙂..(something is up with Emma).

Emma- i open the car door, ladies first, I hold my hand out, she grabs it, laughs a little bit, getting in.
Lily-dont know wats going on. Emma is always All over me.. something is up🙂

Emma & Lily get to school, and they see frimzy.. waiting for them.😛😏.

Lily-I go to open the door, but Emma grabs my arm.. meaning she has to tell me something..😌

Emma. Lily you know your my best friend, right? Since i saw you.. i knew you would be a great friend for me. You're beautiful, smart, smartest girl in history, you are a good model, (photography class). Just saying.., she stopped & looked me at, ... what is this feeling?

Lily.. so i heard wat Emma said.. i just turned my face, and I look up, biting my lips, say.. "Emma its ok. I know that... that's y i love you. You & Frimzy are my best friends." I say.. looking into her gorgeous icy bluee eyes💙. Noticing she has my hands now...

Emma. Yes. Im always here for you lily. I love you. I slowly turned my face, and i grab her face.... I attack her, kissing lily ❤️💋💋💋💋with my red lipstick.. leaving 💋💋💋 all over.. ❤️ i stop, i leave my 🔑 for lily to lock my car..😏😏 then i get out and head into the school.. walking past Frimzy 😝😝.

Lily_ Emma's biting her lip.. Emma knows my weaknesses lip bites😛👅💦 so i just feel her kisses me, leaving 💋💋 all over me.. i start to giggle, cant help it.🤣. Then she stops hands me her car keys, and gets out, leaves.. And leaving me confused again lol.. oh boy.. i just look up from my jeans.. i see frimzy,😪. Frimzy doesn't look happy, he gives Emma a death look, she smiles & smirks at him. 😏

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